Legislative context in Cap.59J related to “Crane”
According to Cap.59J :
3 Interpretation
7B. Automatic safe load indicator required 必須裝上安全負荷自動顯示器
- (a)functions properly;
- (b)has been tested by a competent examiner on each occasion that a test and thorough examination of the crane is required under regulation 5 and the competent examiner has given the owner a certificate in the approved form in which he has made a statement to the effect that the automatic safe load indicator is in good working order; and
每次根據第5條的規定須對該起重機進行測試及徹底檢驗時,顯示器均由一名合資格檢驗員進行測試,且該名合資格檢驗員已交給擁有人一份按認可格式發出的證明書,並在證明書內述明安全負荷自動顯示器處於良好操作狀態;及 - (c)has been inspected by a competent person and determined to be in safe working order during each inspection of the crane required under regulation 7A and the competent person has given the owner a certificate in the approved form in which he has made a statement to the effect that the automatic safe load indicator is in good working order.
5 Lifting appliances to be tested and examined prior to use
7D. Stability of lifting appliances 起重機械的穩定性
- (a) the crane is securely anchored, or adequately weighted by suitable ballast which is properly placed on the structure of the crane and secured in a manner sufficient to prevent the ballast from being accidentally displaced; and
將該起重機穩固地錨定,或以適當的壓重物對該起重機施加足夠重量,壓重物須妥為放置在起重機的結構上並適當地穩固,以防止壓重物意外移位;及 - (b) no part of any rail on which the crane is mounted, or any sleeper supporting such rail, is used as an anchorage.
7E (2) & (3) 講既係 Form 2
7E. Anchoring and ballasting of cranes 起重機的錨定及壓重
- (a) of a load of 25% above the maximum load to be lifted by the crane as erected, at the positions where there is a maximum pull on each anchorage; or
在該起重機處於每個錨樁承受最大拉力下的各個位置,按該起重機在架設後需提起的最高負荷,施加高出該最高負荷25%的負荷;或 - (b) of a lesser load arranged to provide an equivalent test of the anchorage or ballasting arrangements.
- (a)appropriate to the stability of the crane as at the time of the test (taking into account, in the case of a crane mounted on wheels, the conditions of the track); and
合乎起重機在試驗時的穩定性(對於架置在輪上的起重機,須顧及路途的狀況);及 - (b)indicating the modified safe working load,
7F. Stability of cranes secured by removable weights
7G.Use of cranes in bad weather
- (a)cause the devices used for the anchoring or ballasting of the crane to be examined in the manner prescribed in regulation 7E(1) and cause the crane to be tested in the manner prescribed in regulation 7E(2), by a competent examiner as soon as practicable after such exposure and obtain a certificate in the approved form in which the competent examinerhas made a statement to the effect that it is in safe working order; and
(L.N. 23 of 1994) - (b) in the event of the anchorage or ballast being found on such test to be unsafe, take such steps as will again ensure the crane’s stability as soon as practicable.
7H. Erection, dismantling or alteration of cranes to be under supervision of a competent person
- (a) it is not erected, or dismantled; or
不得架設或拆卸其起重機;或 - (b) the structure thereof, as originally designed, is not altered,
9.Platforms for crane drivers and signallers
- (a) of sufficient area for the persons employed on it;
有足夠地方容納受僱在平台上工作的人 - (b) either close planked or plated; and
以木板或金屬板密鋪;及 - (c) provided with a safe means of access.
- (a) there is affixed to the platform a suitable guard rail of adequate strength to a height of not less than 900 millimetres above the platform and above any raised standing place therein;
平台上已裝有足夠強度的適當護欄,其高度到達平台之上及平台內的任何升起的站立處之上不少於900毫米; - (b) the side is provided with one or more toe boards placed—
- (i) at a height not less than 200 millimetres above the level of the platform and any raised standing place on it; and
該等底護板須置於高出平台水平面及平台上任何升起的站立處的水平面不少於200毫米之處;及 - (ii) in a position that will prevent as far as possible the fall of persons, materials, and tools, from the platform; and
- (i) at a height not less than 200 millimetres above the level of the platform and any raised standing place on it; and
- (c) the space between any toe board on the platform and the lowest guard rail above it does not exceed 700 millimetres.
11. Marking of safe working loads
操作半徑可變的起重機(包括有人字吊臂的起重機)的擁有人須確保其起重機不得使用,除非 —
- (a) has clearly and legibly marked on it the safe working load at various radii of the jib, trolley or crab, and, in the case of a crane with a derricking jib, the maximum radius at which the jib may be worked; and
該起重機的吊臂、吊運車或起重滑車以不同半徑操作時的安全操作負荷已清晰易讀地標明於該起重機上,如屬有人字吊臂的起重機,則須標明該吊臂以最大的半徑操作時的安全操作負荷;及 - (b) is fitted with an accurate indicator, clearly visible to the driver, which shows the radius of the jib, trolley or crab at any particular time and the safe working load applicable to that radius.
15. Restriction on the use of cranes 使用起重機的限制
- (a) he has taken all reasonable steps to see that no undue stress is imposed on any part of the structure or mechanism of the crane thereby endangering the stability of the crane; and (71 of 1989 s. 13)
他已採取所有合理步驟,使該起重機的結構或機制的任何部分均不會遭施加過度的壓力,而致危害該起重機的穩定性;及 - (b) such use is supervised by a competent person.
15A. Operators of cranes and lifting appliances
- (a)has attained the age of 18 years;
已年滿18歲 - (b)holds a valid certificate issued by the specified body or by any other person specified by the Commissioner; and (12 of 2006 s. 84)
持有由指明機構或處長所指明的其他人發出的有效證明書;及 - (c)in the opinion of the owner, is competent to operate the crane by virtue of his experience.
- (a) has attained the age of 18 years; and
已年滿18歲;及 - (b) in the opinion of the owner, is trained and competent to operate the appliance.
在本條中,“指明機構” (specified body)指
- (a) the body known as the Construction Industry Training Authority before the commencement* of section 71 of the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587); or
在《建造業議會條例》(第587章)第71條生效*前名為建造業訓練局的機構;或 - (b) the Construction Industry Council established by section 4 of the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587). (12 of 2006 s. 84)
15C. Steam not to obscure workplace
16. Brakes, controls, safety devices, etc.
- (a) every lever, handle, switch or other device used for controlling the operation of any part of the appliance (being a lever, handle, switch or other device the accidental movement or displacement of which is liable to cause danger) is, where practicable (unless it is so placed or the appliance is so constructed as to prevent accidental movement or displacement), provided with a suitable spring or other locking arrangement to prevent any such accidental movement or displacement; and
用以控制該起重機械任何部分的操作的每一控制桿、手掣、開關掣或其他裝置(指如意外移動或移位會造成危險的控制桿、手掣、開關掣或其他裝置),在切實可行範圍內(除非其位置或該起重機械的構造能防止意外移動或移位)均已設有適當的彈簧或其他鎖緊裝置,以防止意外移動或移位;及 - (b) every lever, handle, switch or other device for controlling the operation of any part of the appliance has either on or adjacent to it clear markings to indicate its purpose and the mode of operation.
(5) If any person is employed or working otherwise than mentioned in paragraph (4) but in a place above floor level where he would be liable to be struck by an overhead travelling crane, or by any load carried by such a crane, the owner of the crane shall take effective measures to ensure that such person is warned of the approach of the crane, unless his work is so connected with or dependent on the movements of the crane as to make a warning unnecessary.
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