討厭,呢條友 ! 俗d講 無佢我就無今日, 無佢比個機會我,我就吾會可以係到砌下模型 睇下車 玩下車 過著充實開心既生活 不過可惜既係 呢條友做了一個決定 令我想打獲佢 well anyway, 影張相留念啦~

話說琴日跑完同中學死黨睇戲 一聽片尾曲,嘩,係近期我覺得最好聽既新歌 誰知道最好 誰應該更好從出生那天 看破了世道 曾經自願 不自願 跟風到老到最終是我得不到 望著我 煙燻的眼光 疲倦透露著繁忙 曾經深深的愛火 燒不死我便慶賀道理 不想想太多 只需偏心的愛我 曾經溫馨的被窩 剩低一首情歌一人詮釋多坎坷 說好痴情如今孤獨過追不回盼望 是錯也是禍 活在那 詩一般遠方 匆匆消失的過往 曾經我手寫我歌 兩心不再是拍和命裡深深的痛楚 但只輕輕傷了我 誰都不需知更多 不必思考太多絲毫遐想改變我 只需真誠無需遷就我不奢求渴望 別讓我太絕望相擁時對望 便達到我願望

Review of the annual report of Transport International Holdings Limited (“TIH”, Stock Code: 62) – Corporate Governance
學期尾,就隨心記錄番 Transport International Holdings Limited (“TIH”, Stock Code: 62) is the mother company of the well-known franchised bus operators: The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited, Long Win Bus Company Limited. The two companies have a fleet of more than 4200 buses operating a network of 470 routes, connecting between the New Territories, Kowloon City,

今日係繼上月一次慘痛經歷之後再一次不能忘記的一天。 為了今天的行程,都有認真做了計劃,結果都係因為學藝未精,犯下一個我覺得可以避免的錯 。所以呢個黑豬仔一定要記下,不過今日都有所得著,因為可以同朋友仔遊車河

[722系列] 耀東邨 TO 中環碼頭 (來回)
2024年1月1日, 第一條片! 早上去了一間叫 DPD Deluxe 既餐廳早餐, 不錯的用餐體驗~ https://www.dpdhk.com/ 之後就去左跟線~
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny life, karma whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence

News Cutting and Learning English
https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3246833/hong-kong-public-health-challenges-2023-lifting-covid-measures-rise-suicides-among-students 2023 訂了SCMP, 間中先睇下。最近,發現了一個不錯的新功能,有閱讀mode, 可train 下listening. 今日食完早餐就做下剪趣啦。 限制取消 #restrictions are dropped #requirements are lifted All Covid-19 travel restrictions were dropped and no quotas were imposed on arrivals from either side. Similarly, all pre-departure testing requirements for travelling between the two places were lifted. the government lifted the city’s indoor and outdoor mask requirements.