Category: Preparation

CX Fleet

Reference 客機及機隊 | 旅程資訊 | 國泰航空 (     Read More

CX route – from 1946 to 202X

Reference Move Beyond – Fact Sheet – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific to launch direct flights connecting Hong Kong and Riyadh – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific’s new service to Riyadh now in operation – Cathay Pacific   Our achievements have always been a force of positivity in Asia and beyond: 1946 – The first freight service Read More

Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept – vision and culture

Reference Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept | Cathay Move Beyond – Fact Sheet – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific | What we stand for 2023_cx_annual_report_en.pdf (   WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘MOVE BEYOND’? Our ambition is to become one of the world’s greatest service brands in the way that we treat every journey Read More


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國泰由DC-3 去到今時今日既A350/B777?

Reference: Our history | Cathay Pacific   Timeline 1946 –  Douglas DC-3 1959 – Lockheed Electra aircraft (American turboprop airliner) – first aircraft to offer a premium cabin, with 12 First class seats 1962 – first Convair 880  (American narrow-body jet airliner) 1968 – all-jet fleet 1979 – first Boeing 747-200, VR-HKG, arrives in Hong Read More


Reference Cathay Pacific | Our Story The old and only “Betsy” “Betsy”, a converted Douglas DC3, is fondly remembered as our first aircraft. Sold in 1955, “Betsy” was discovered, almost 30 years later flying cargo around the Australian outback. We bought the aircraft back, repainted her in the original 1940s livery and returned her to Read More


Reference: Cathay Pacific | Our Story An investment in the future The new company began to operate passenger flights to Manila, Bangkok, Singapore and Shanghai. Expansion was fast and, in 1948, Butterfield & Swire (today known as the Swire Group) took a 45% share in the company. Under the leadership of John Kidston Swire, Butterfield Read More

國泰 Cathay Pacific 的一切~

Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept – vision and culture – Tommy’s Diaries ( 國泰的history – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解叫 “Cathay Pacific” – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解「太古」會變左係「國泰」牙媽~ – Tommy’s Diaries ( 國泰第一隻飛機係咩 – Tommy’s Diaries ( 國泰隻Niki 又係咩? – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解我會想去美國飛? (一個純飛機膠理由) – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解我會想去FTA 飛? (一個情義結 – 舊地重遊?) CX Read More

Four Seasons at … (… 的一年四季) : 您除左去飛…都可以了解下人地既地方嫁麻~

Hong Kong Definition of seasons |Hong Kong Observatory(HKO)|Educational Resources Background 香港位於亞熱帶,一年中亦有不同的氣候特徵,例如一、二月較冷,七、八月則較熱,六至八月較為多雨,而十一、十二月則較乾燥及雲量較少。目前,香港天文台採用「氣象季節」來劃分四季,並提供各季節的氣候資料分析和氣候服務,其範圍包括季節預測、趨勢分析、排名計算、氣候變化研究等。「氣象季節」是將一年分為四個長度大致相等的時段(即每三個月為一段),以北半球為例,最溫暖和最冷的時段分別指定為夏季(六月、七月和八月)和冬季(十二月、一月和二月),介乎於夏季和冬季之間就是秋季(九月、十月和十一月)和春季(三月、四月和五月)。這個定義亦與香港30年(1981-2010)月平均氣溫(圖1)所描繪的年度溫度週期大致吻合,即六月、七月和八月通常是最熱的三個月,而十二月、一月和二月是一年中最冷的三個月。 使用「氣象季節」的優點是每年的季節長度和季節開始時間大致不變,在研究分析、結果比較和服務產品發展上較為簡單方便。而公眾和特別用戶亦可以容易理解和使用相關數據和產品。世界上主要的氣候中心,如北京氣候中心、歐洲中期天氣預報中心、日本氣象廳、美國國家海洋和大氣管理局等也基於「氣象季節」來進行氣候分析和提供一些氣候服務。 除了「氣象季節」外,一些研究人員和氣象機構亦會以不同氣象要素和指標來劃分四季及其他特定季節,例如以滑動平均氣溫來計算每年進入四個季節的日期、以降雨量來計算雨季的開始日期、以季候風水文循環的特徵來判斷進入季風季節的日期等。這些以觀測數據為基礎的季節劃分法一般較複雜,較多用於氣候研究之上。而計算出來的季節開始和結束日期每年都有明顯變化,同一套劃分法在不同地區亦不一定完全適用。 Hong Kong’s climate is sub-tropical with different climatic characteristics throughout the year. For example, January and February are colder, July and August are hotter, June to August are rainier, while November and December are drier and less cloudy. Currently, the Hong Kong Read More

Why commercial airline pilot? Read More

Communication skills

What skills do a pilot need? Read More

CAD 54 syllabus v.s EASA syllabus

If you have read the CAD 54 and EASA website, you will find that there are slightly different between HK CAD syllabus and EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) syllabus. For more as well as the most updated information, we can obtain from their official website. Below are my summary: HK CAD – ref CAD54 Read More

Pilot sharing and group work

This evening, I deeply thanks that a pilot shared with us by using scenario and group work. Let me briefly type what I have learnt this evening ~ CLEAR model Clarify the issue or question – ident problem Look for options Evaluate the options – factors including safety, legality, pax comfort, OTP and Cost. Action Read More

Why Second Officer usually assigned for long-haul flight?

點解SO 多數飛15個中或以上既機? First of all, what is long-haul, short haul? Taking reference from aviation related websites, there is no consistent definition. However, I have tried to understand why CX need the SO for the so-called long hour flights – 仲要係 ‘Ultra Long Range Operations’ (ULR). The reasons is complying to CAD 371 – Read More

CAD 54 – PILOT LICENCES AND ASSOCIATED RATINGS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT   CAD has three part: Part One General Part Two Private Pilot’s Licences and Instructor Ratings Part Three Professional Pilot’s Licences CAD 54 actually is the syllabubs of the cadet program~ What I am expecting myself to achieve as a candidate ? What I am expecting to learn as a cadet pilot? CAD 54 Read More

Pilot Licences

HKCAD – Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department Pilot Licences We need to prepare our self to be competent as an airline crew with various requirements at different stage, although the CX application page concludes in 6 points briefly: A Hong Kong Permanent resident Graduated from secondary school with good passes in English language, Mathematics Read More
