CAD 54 syllabus v.s EASA syllabus
If you have read the CAD 54 and EASA website, you will find that there are slightly different between HK CAD syllabus and EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) syllabus. For more as well as the most updated information, we can obtain from their official website. Below are my summary: HK CAD – ref CAD54

2024-2025 I will, I am going to achieve it!
齊腳, Fly beyond! 2024-2025 I will, I am going to achieve it! 2024-2025 We will, We are going to achieve it!

The road to become a professional bus driver before being an airline pilot
2020 Apr 17, around 3 months past since the outbreak of COVID-19 , I wake up at 0500LT. This first thing I am going to do is to type a simply “diary” to record my recent status. I like writing blog since I can review what I did in the past and I can check
Life as a Flight Operations Officer
In 2019, before I am going to work for other company in another sector of aviation, I would like using little spare time to review my past position as a Flight Operation Officer. From about video clip, you may see the lady wears a yellow high-vis vest with “RC” imprint on it. RC- could refer to

One Life Experience
2017-01-03 Dear my friends, There is no better way for greeting, isn’t it. Tonight, it is great that I can go back to campus again after I have started to work as a member in Flight Ops since July. Time is passing, always! Everything is happening liken to blinking my eyes. Originally, I tried to

One Life Experience
Dear my friends, 2016-03-20 The performance may be reduced due to the high relative humidity in the damp night. However, I feel that it’s not a big deal since I have learnt how to make a wisdom decision as a pilot point of view – of coz, I start from “ab initio” – there are much

Life-long Learning: 人生是不斷修正的過程~
2015.09.01 I have come back Hong Kong almost a month. Rightly, as a fresh graduate, without any working experience as well as not the “first-hon” graduate, it is very difficult to seek for even an interview here. Fortunately, my boss choose to believe in me and offer an excellent position to me so that I