棚架、工作平台及梯子等工作位置都受到Cap.59I CONSTRUCTION SITES (SAFETY) REGULATIONS [俗稱CS(S)R]《建築地盤( 安全) 規例》的規範.
在 CS(S)R 的 Regulation 38A及38AA分別指出 Contractor (承建商) 及 Other contractors (其他承建商) 都具有下列的一般性責任條款 (General Duties):
- identify the hazardous conditions of persons working at a height in the construction site;
找出在建築地盤內高處工作的人的危險狀況 - rectify any hazardous conditions of persons working at a height in the construction site; and
糾正任何在建築地盤內高處工作的人的危險狀況 safeguard any person working at a height in the construction site against all hazardous conditions.
防止任何在建築地盤內高處工作的人遇到各種危險狀況- shall ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, suitable and adequate safe access to and egress from every place of work on the site is provided and properly maintained.
在建築地盤內每個工作地方,提供適當和足夠的安全進出口,且須妥為維修每個工作地方的安全進出口 - shall take suitable and adequate steps to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, no person gains access to any place on the site where any hazardous conditions are present.
針對 「防止墮下」的部分, CS(S)R 的 Regulation 38B (1) 及 (1A) 分別指出建築地盤的承建商 (contractor responsible for any construction site) 及任何直接控制任何建築工程的承建商 (any contractor who has direct control over any construction work) 須採取”足夠的步驟” (adequate steps) 防止該地盤內有任何人從高度不少於2 米之處墮下 ;
Regulation 38B (2) 規定:
“足夠的步驟” (adequate steps) 包括設置、使用及維修以下一項或多於一項安全設備 —
(a) 工作平台;
(b) 護欄、屏障、底護板及圍欄;
(c) 孔洞的覆蓋物;
(d) 木板路及路徑。
Regulation 38B (3) 規定:
Paragraphs (1) and (1A) shall not apply to any opening, corner, break or edge exposed in the course of demolition operations if adequate precautions have been taken to prevent any person from being exposed to the risk of falling therefrom.
另外, Regulation 38B (4) 規定:
Every working platform (other than a suspended working platform), guard-rail, barrier, toe-board, fence, covering for an opening, gangway or run provided for the purpose of paragraphs (1) and (1A) shall comply with the provisions of the Third Schedule applicable to it.
為施行第(1) 及(1A) 款而設置的每一工作平台( 吊船除外)、護欄、屏障、底護板、圍欄、孔洞的覆蓋物、木板路或路徑,須符合附表3 內適用於該等安全設備的條文。
而在 Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites 的 C-141 to C-157 就是寫出CS(S)R Schedule 3 (附表3) 的內容 :
C-141 指出, 該等步驟包括但不限於設置、使用及維修 (provision, use and maintenance):
- 工作平台 (working platforms)
- 木板路及路徑 (gangways and runs)
- 護欄 (guard-rails)
- 底護板 (toe-boards)
- 屏障 (barriers)
- 圍欄 (fences)
- 孔洞的覆蓋物 (coverings for openings)
工作平台、木板路及路徑的闊度 (Width of working platforms, gangways and runs)
- C-142
The width of any working platform, gangway or run shall be not less than 400 millimetres.
工作平台、木板路或路徑的闊度不得小於400 毫米 - C-143
The width of any gangway or run used for the movement of materials shall be not less than 650 millimetres.
用於搬運物料的木板路或路徑的闊度不得小於650 毫米 - C-144
Where it is impracticable by reason of limitations of space to provide a working platform, gangway or run of the width of either not less than 400 millimetres or, for the movement of materials, not less than 650 millimetres, then the working platform, ganway or run shall be as wide as is reasonably practicable.
凡因空間的限制以致設置不小於400 毫米或不小於650毫米(用於搬運物料) 闊度的工作平台、木板路或路徑不
工作平台等以夾板等鋪密 (Working platforms, etc. to be closely boarded, etc.)
- C-145
Every working platform, gangway and run shall be closely boarded or planked.
每一工作平台、木板路或路徑須以夾板 / 木板鋪密 - C-146
Interstices of open metal work forming every working platform, gangway or run where there is no risk of persons below the platform or gangway or run being struck by materials or articles falling through the platform, gangway or run shall not exceed 4 000 square millimetres in area.
物品擊中的情況下,任何孔的面積均不得超逾4 000 平方毫米。 - C-147
The boards or planks of every working platform, ganway or run where there is no risk of persons below the platform, gangway or run being struck by materials or articles falling through the platform, gangway or run shall be so secured as to prevent their moving and be so placed that the space between adjacent boards or planks does not exceed 25 millimetres.
工作平台、木板路及路徑的夾板及木板 (Boards and planks in working platforms, gangways and runs)
- C-148
Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run shall be of sound construction, adequate strength and free from patent defect.
夾板或木板須構造良好,有足夠的強度,且無明顯欠妥之處 - C-149
Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run shall be of a thickness capable of affording adequate security having regard to the distance between the supports and be not less than 200 millimetres in width and not less than 25 millimetres in thickness OR not less than 150 millimetres in width when the board or plank exceeds 50 millimetres in thickness.
在顧及支持物之間的距離下,其厚度能夠提供足夠的安全保障,其闊度不得小於200 毫米而厚度不得小於25
毫米;或如該夾板或木板的厚度超逾50 毫米,則其闊度不得小於150 毫米 - C-150
Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run shall not protrude beyond its end support to a distance exceeding 150 millimetres unless it is sufficiently secured to prevent tipping.
持物超逾150 毫米之外 - C-151
Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run shall rest securely and evenly on its supports.
作為工作平台、木板路及路徑組成部分的夾板或木板, 須穩固和平坦地擱在其支持物上。 - C-152
Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run shall rest on at least 3 supports unless, taking into account the distance between the supports and the thickness of the board or plank the conditions are such as to prevent undue or unequal sagging.
作為工作平台、木板路及路徑組成部分的夾板或木板, 須擱在至少3 個支持物上,除非在顧及支持物之間的距
孔洞的覆蓋物 (Coverings for opening)
- C-153
Every covering provided for an opening shall be so constructed as to prevent the fall of persons, materials and articles.
每一為孔洞而設置的覆蓋物,其構造須能防止人、物料及物品墮下。 - C-154
Every covering provided for an opening shall be clearly and boldly marked as to show its purpose or be securely fixed in position.
護欄、底護板等的高度 (Height of toe-boards, etc and Height of guard-rails )
- C-155
The height of a toe-board or other similar barrier shall be not less than 200 millimetres.
底護板或其他同類屏障的高度不得低於200 毫米 - C-156
The height of a top guard-rail above any place of work on a working platform, gangway, run or stairway shall be not less than 900 millimetres and not more than 1150 millimetres.
在工作平台、木板路、路徑或樓梯上任何工作地方之上的最高的一條護欄,其高度不得低於900 毫米,亦不得
高於1 150 毫米 - C-157
The height of an intermediate guard-rail above any place of work on a working platform, gangway, run or stairway shall be not less than 450 millimetres and not more than 600 millimetres.
在工作平台、木板路、路徑或樓梯上任何工作地方之上的中間的一條護欄,其高度不得低於450 毫米,亦不得
高於600 毫米
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