Four Seasons at … (… 的一年四季) : 您除左去飛…都可以了解下人地既地方嫁麻~
Hong Kong
Definition of seasons |Hong Kong Observatory(HKO)|Educational Resources
本港方面,由於全年十二個月都較正常溫暖,2023年是有記錄以來其中一個第二暖的一年,全年平均氣溫達24.5度,較1991-2020年正常值[1]高1.0度。而全年平均最低氣溫22.6度及平均最高氣溫27.2度分別為自1884年有記錄以來其中一個最高及其中一個第二高。而夏季(6月至8月)的平均氣溫達29.7 度,是有記錄以來最高。香港天文台於7月27日錄得全年最高氣溫36.1度,是有記錄以來其中一個第三高。2023年的酷熱天氣[2]日數、熱夜[3]數目及極端酷熱天氣[4]日數分別為54天、56天及4天,是有記錄以來其中一個最多、第二多及其中一個第五多。
2023年共有19個熱帶氣旋影響北太平洋西部及南海,較長期(1961-2020年)平均的約30個為少。全年有11個熱帶氣旋達到颱風或以上強度[6],低於長期平均的約15個,當中有5個熱帶氣旋達到超強颱風強度 (中心附近最高十分鐘持續風速達到每小時185公里或以上)。本港方面,年內有5個熱帶氣旋令天文台需要發出熱帶氣旋警告信號,稍少於長期年平均的約6個。天文台在9月蘇拉、10月小犬及7月泰利吹襲本港期間分別發出十號颶風信號、九號烈風或暴風風力增強信號及八號烈風或暴風信號。
Globally, 2023 is likely to be the warmest year on record according to the World Meteorological Organization’s preliminary assessment. Global mean sea level continued to rise, reaching a new record high in 2023. Over the Arctic, sea-ice extent remained well below average in the year and the minimum sea-ice extent in September was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. In 2023, different parts of the world were ravaged by various extreme weather events, including heatwaves in many parts of the world, including Europe, North Africa, southern China, Japan and much of Southeast Asia; severe drought in northwestern Africa, the Greater Horn of Africa region, parts of the Iberian Peninsula, parts of central and southwest Asia, many parts of Central America, northern South America, parts of Canada and the United States; extreme rainfall triggered severe flooding in China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Greece, southern Bulgaria, parts of Türkiye, northeastern Libya, Spain, and the North Island of New Zealand; and severe damages and heavy casualties brought by tropical cyclones in Mozambique, Malawi, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and China. Rampant wildfires also wreaked great havoc in Greece, Hawaii and Canada.
The La Niña event of 2022 lasted till January 2023. Sea surface temperatures of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific continued to increase in the following months. An El Niño event was established in August 2023 and persisted through to the end of the year.
In Hong Kong, with all twelve months warmer than usual, 2023 was one of the second warmest years on record with the annual mean temperature reaching 24.5 degrees, 1.0 degree above the 1991-2020 normal[1]. The annual mean minimum temperature of 22.6 degrees and annual mean maximum temperature of 27.2 degrees were respectively one of the highest and one of the second highest since records began in 1884. In particular, the mean temperature for summer (June to August) reached 29.7 degrees, the highest on record. The highest temperature recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory in the year was 36.1 degrees on 27 July, one of the third highest on record. There were 54 Very Hot Days[2], 56 Hot Nights[3] and 4 Extremely Hot Days[4] in Hong Kong in 2023, respectively ranking one of the highest, the second highest and one of the fifth highest on record.
The lowest temperature recorded at the Observatory in the year was 8.1 degrees on 23 December. The number of Cold Days[5] in the year was 14 days, 1.2 days less than the 1991-2020 normal.
Key notes from this clip:
- palo verde tree – the flower may cause somebody allergy (sign: swollen eyes, runny nose, clogged sinuses)
- fansinating history: state of Arizona (AZ) officially became a state was 14 Feb 1912
- be aware of a few of critters (= creature)/ wildelife that can be intrusive to your backyard: snake (rattlesnake), lizard (gila monstor), lions (mountain lion), black bears, wolf (coyotes), wild boar (javelina), and even scorpion
- better to have a fuel economic vehicle: Jeep
- Dynamic temperature – can be hot and cold
- possible suffer from sun burn, and dry skin
- near Mexico : so we can enjoy Mexican food as well
US Official weather service – National Weather Service
2021 – 2023 AZ average temperature : 76.5°F = 24.7 °C
However, in 2023, the average highest temperture recorded as high as 102.7 °F = 39.3 °C
The lowest average temperature over the past three years was recorded in 2023 as well : 53.9 °F = 12.1 °C
Additionally, the minimum temperature recorded on 24 Jan 2023 was only 35 °F = 1.6 °C
Wet winter in Phoenix – affected by El Nino
Snowfall in Phoenix
Drought in Arizona
Monsoon in Arizona
Monsoon in Arizona – Tommy’s Diaries (
Greater Adelaide in 2023
- Rainfall totals for 2023 were close to average or above average at sites across Adelaide and the Hills.
- Rainfall totals for 2023 ranged from 98% of average at Edinburgh RAAF, Mount Crawford AWS, and Mount Lofty to 117% of average at Noarlunga.
- For Greater Adelaide as a whole, rainfall totals in 2023 were less than in 2022, but more than in 2021.
- June and December were much wetter than average months for Greater Adelaide, with numerous sites having their wettest June or December day on record respectively.
- After a dry first half of November, severe thunderstorms crossed Greater Adelaide on 27–28 November, bringing strong winds, heavy rain and flash flooding, with McLaren Vale (Pirramimma Winery) and Brownhill Creek (Scotch College) having their highest daily rainfall on record.
- Mean maximum temperatures for 2023 were close to average or warmer than average across Adelaide and the Hills.
- Mean maximum temperatures ranged from 0.5 °C cooler than average at Kuitpo Forest Reserve to 1.2 °C warmer than average at Mount Lofty.
- Maximum temperatures were cooler than average in May, but were much warmer than average in September.
- Mean minimum temperatures for 2023 were close to average or warmer than average across Adelaide and the Hills.
- Mean minimum temperatures ranged from 0.2 °C cooler than average at Mount Crawford AWS and Noarlunga to 1.2 °C warmer than average at Mount Barker.
Adelaide (West Terrace / ngayirdapira)
- Total rainfall for Adelaide (West Terrace / ngayirdapira) was 587.6 mm, which is 111% of the long-term average of 527.8 mm.
- The mean daily maximum temperature for Adelaide (West Terrace / ngayirdapira) was 22.3 °C, which is 0.5 °C above the long-term average of 21.8 °C.
- The warmest day was 40.6 °C on 14 January, and the coolest day was on 27 June when the temperature reached 12.2 °C.
- The mean daily minimum temperature for Adelaide (West Terrace / ngayirdapira) was 12.2 °C, which is 0.2 °C above the long-term average of 12.0 °C.
- The coldest morning was 2.9 °C on 18 July, and the warmest morning was on 24 February when the minimum temperature was 29.6 °C.
About Australian Climate (
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