CX route – from 1946 to 202X
Reference Move Beyond – Fact Sheet – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific to launch direct flights connecting Hong Kong and Riyadh – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific’s new service to Riyadh now in operation – Cathay Pacific Our achievements have always been a force of positivity in Asia and beyond: 1946 – The first freight service
Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept – vision and culture
Reference Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept | Cathay Move Beyond – Fact Sheet – Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific | What we stand for 2023_cx_annual_report_en.pdf ( WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘MOVE BEYOND’? Our ambition is to become one of the world’s greatest service brands in the way that we treat every journey
國泰由DC-3 去到今時今日既A350/B777?
Reference: Our history | Cathay Pacific Timeline 1946 – Douglas DC-3 1959 – Lockheed Electra aircraft (American turboprop airliner) – first aircraft to offer a premium cabin, with 12 First class seats 1962 – first Convair 880 (American narrow-body jet airliner) 1968 – all-jet fleet 1979 – first Boeing 747-200, VR-HKG, arrives in Hong
國泰隻Niki 又係咩?
Ref 國泰航空進入噴射機時代 | 國泰 ( 率先於1962年退役的是國泰首批DC-3客機中的Niki,她曾與Betsy結伴翱翔天際,由國泰合伙創辦人Roy Farrell於1946年從美國運來亞洲。Niki雖然已經光榮退役,但卻並未被人遺忘。現在國泰航空的香港總部國泰城門外,陳列了一架Niki的一比一複製飛機;表揚公司傑出員工的員工嘉獎禮,亦被稱作Betsy及Niki。 The first to leave in 1962 was Niki, one of the airline’s original DC-3s, which flew alongside Betsy, the aircraft ferried over to Asia from the US by founding partner Roy Farrell back in 1946. Gone, but not forgotten: an exact replica of Niki sits proudly outside the
Reference Cathay Pacific | Our Story The old and only “Betsy” “Betsy”, a converted Douglas DC3, is fondly remembered as our first aircraft. Sold in 1955, “Betsy” was discovered, almost 30 years later flying cargo around the Australian outback. We bought the aircraft back, repainted her in the original 1940s livery and returned her to
Reference: Cathay Pacific | Our Story An investment in the future The new company began to operate passenger flights to Manila, Bangkok, Singapore and Shanghai. Expansion was fast and, in 1948, Butterfield & Swire (today known as the Swire Group) took a 45% share in the company. Under the leadership of John Kidston Swire, Butterfield
國泰 Cathay Pacific 的一切~
Values, Mission and Vision Move Beyond: Cathay Pacific’s new brand concept – vision and culture – Tommy’s Diaries ( CX Business Cathay Group – the business – Tommy’s Diaries ( Fact sheet CX History 國泰的history – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解叫 “Cathay Pacific” – Tommy’s Diaries ( 點解「太古」會變左係「國泰」牙媽~ – Tommy’s Diaries ( 國泰第一隻飛機係咩 –
點解叫 “Cathay Pacific”
Reference: Our history | Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific | Our Story American Roy C Farrell and Australian Sydney H de Kantzow founded Cathay Pacific Airways on 24 September, 1946. Initially based in Shanghai, the two men eventually moved to Hong Kong and established the airline. Legend has it that Farrell and a group of foreign

Day 2 flight sim reflection
食飽就做番個自我檢討 其實對自己有d 失望! 對上一次真飛都7年前,但呢個不是理由。 透過呢個program 再次ident 或者realise 呢7年面對既人事物係令我mentality 同stress mgt 有一定程度進步,但係有d 結構性問題係有很大進步空間: Reference point 我發現自己對取reference point 既learning curve 係吾夠敏感,日後真飛要問定教官攞料 或者用sim取得該「reference picture」 Procedure practice 雖然知道咩叫chairflying 但我發覺原來自己chairflying 既skill係未到班,反而用sim 做完會有印象,呢個可能係目前既死症 唯有再push下自己 Go around 話說今日上完堂我自己practice, 係無instructor 既情況下我試land, 頭兩次我見不對路 flyover 試過, 再試land, bounce back 我full power go around, 但最後一次 我land …crashed and die! 唸番點解會發生? 其實果陣又夠油 但就係high speed 過頭 ,呢樣野解釋左preparation and
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny life, karma whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence

The road to become a professional bus driver before being an airline pilot
2020 Apr 17, around 3 months past since the outbreak of COVID-19 , I wake up at 0500LT. This first thing I am going to do is to type a simply “diary” to record my recent status. I like writing blog since I can review what I did in the past and I can check
Back to basic: What’s …
Today, it’s already the 7 days after my leave from the last position as a ground agent in HKIA. I come with a new idea to help myself review what I have learnt. Yes – the method is simply asking “What’s…” In aviation industry, no matter for our own interest as a GA pilot or
Aviation: Back to basic
Over the past couple of (few) days, I am going through my Aviation English learning. After few day, I suddenly have a feel stifled – don’t have a misinterpretation, it is not something that suffocate me to deplete the oxygen, instead it’s just a metaphor. I have been always improving myself for almost ten years.
2019 Happy New Year
Today, the temperature is just around 10-1x degree Celsius. Most of the Hong Kong bundle us up with at least 2 and even more layers to keep warm. For me, the temperature is particular suitable for exercise like jogging and I did a long-run covering more than 10 km along a artificial waterway – not
Incident at work
話不多說. 事發日期 2018 – Nov – 10 to 2018 -Nov -11 … 因為一連串 ERROR 又未被修正, 最後我工作的公司就出了INCIDENT. 要永遠記住呢種感覺…錯左要面對處分固然有麻煩, 但最難過的是事後的壓力, 即是做一些平日熟練的工作, 您卻有一種莫名奇妙的壓迫感, 這一次學會/發現受壓能力雖比以前高, 但係…AVIATION 就是不可錯…特別係上面! 在上面一個DECISION 都不可以MAKE 錯… 就算話係MCC…但係要永遠假設CAPTAIN 暈左(即係您老闆吾再幫到您) 您都要識LAND… 又或許個PM 做吾到MONITOR 的作用…您是PF …您就要會AVIATE…又再換個角色…想做PIC 或做得PIC… 咩春都要您咩…. 總之污點永遠在資料庫長存…ET645 …永遠警戒自己的錯!

2018 New year resolutions
It’s been a since I updated my “diaries” as well as my learning platform. I didn’t do it as often as I would like to. What a shame! On my last birthday, in 2017, I took the IELTS exam and got a result which basically same as the one that I made in 2015. However, I don’t

From Day to Night, From … to …
Sitting at a corner inside a herbal tea shop where was located in my living community. It’s time to type a new blog – sharing my recently life with you, keeping a record for reviewing in the future as well as making a reflection and practising my English writing. Why Tommy was drinking the “Chinese Coffee” rather

Connection- Communication, Situation Awareness, Working cycle, Cross Checking
首要多謝妹妹老妹帶回來的書~ “Hey, bro, may you share something about your duty? You said that you want to be a bus driver, didn’t you?” I was asked by my sister, who has just come back from foreign country yesterday. And her query encourage me to share a shameful story with my friends. Rightly, I want to record