Category: My Travels

CNY Trip 2020 Day 6

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CNY Trip 2020 Day 5

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CNY Trip 2020 Day 4

Previous Next What a wonderful day, we woke up at around 9 clock in the morning with charged battery – I mean, both our mental and physical function were back to normal because we had sufficient sleep. We had a morning swim and photo section before we had our brunch in a restaurant at around Read More

CNY Trip 2020 Day3

Previous Next During the planning stage of the CNY family trip 2020, I designed to make my parents having the most comfortable travelling experience in a very limited budget. Also, I set an important performance index that’s not too rush – I don’t want the schedule too tight. Unfortunately, our schedule are often delayed for Read More

CNY Trip 2020 Day 2

Previous Next Despite of lacking sufficient sleep, I feel excited and energetic because of the sunny weather. We had our breakfast at restoran yut kee. Then, our journey started at 9 am. I applied “risk management” knowledge to reduce the possibility of having conflict with my parents – they seem to be the most fussy Read More

CNY Trip 2020 Day 1

Previous Next My journey started at 0730 in the morning, after had the breakfast in Hong Kong style restaurant, we took the bus reaching the HKIA around 10 am. Well, trip with elderly always need cushion time for restroom, “final packing for luggages”. With my tumble for the Joe, we get on board at 1140 Read More

Korea Trip 2019 – Day 3-5

Seoul is the largest city of Korea, followed by Busan. Jeju is a renowned island for tour visiting, but it is not a city rightly. By the way, have you ever heard Military Demarcation Line (三八線), which separate the republic of Korea (a.k.a South Korea) and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (a.k.a North Korea). Read More

Korea Trip 2019 – Day 2

On the second day at 0915LT, after we had had the buffet breakfast in the hotel, we started our Day 2 schedule. Around 1.5 hours journey, we arrived the French Culture Village. The tour guide introduce to us that many scene of Korean TV series used that as the background. To me, hmm… my accompany Read More

Korea Trip 2019 – Day 1

What a wonderful flight on A380! The weather was a bit cloudy though, we felt very thankful that the flight was unbelievably smooth. I could not even distinguish the difference between taxiing and turning as well as the stationary state on parking stand. As a foreigner, I feel that the ICN partly looks like the Read More

Debriefing of the CNY trip 2019

[Ref SCMP Source1, Source2, Source3] Hong Kong’s newest links to mainland China had another bumper day on Thursday –  the third day of Lunar New Year of pig – due to glitches in the shuttle bus ticketing system. The fault led to crowds of passengers being stranded for hours at the Zhuhai bridge port across the border. Read More

Happy new year of the pig

What a wonderful year of the pig, I have left last position as a Flight Ops Officer as well as one of the member in a company’s fledgling department in a GHA. More than over two years work experience there, I have learnt much from the seniors. I have decided to have a go for Read More

Protected: 2018 畢業禮暨家庭旅行 – Briefing Package

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Protected: 2018 畢業禮暨家庭旅行 Day3

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Protected: 2018 畢業禮暨家庭旅行 Day2

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Protected: 歡迎參加2018 畢業禮暨家庭旅行 (Day 1)

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The journey in 2017 – Macau @ 2017 Sep 08

Macau, is located approximately 24 NM (48 km) southwest of Hong Kong, are not unfamiliar to Hong Kong people. This time, I got an amiable Taiwanese and we had planned nothing as well as tried to strayed around the northern part of this wonderful place. With a relaxing mood, we disembarked the turbojet departing from Read More

Taiwan Trip 2016

The planned gradation trip,with my bro! 20160603 – it was a sunny and scorching hot Friday. After I was off-duty as well as took my little baggage from my home, I got onboard the airport bus with relaxing and joyful mood. I waited the moment for more than 6 six years. In 2009, my best Read More


Happy time is running fast, always. It is my honor that I have met different buddy in these three years. I feel happiness, really. I cannot have had such wonderful journey without all of your hospitality. Thank you so much! 快樂的日子過得特別快…這幾年真在很很很幸福…很榮幸可以認識到不同地方的朋友…雖然我可以飛到不同地方…但如果沒有各位當地人每次的熱情的招待…我根本不可能有這麼多次美好的旅程…謝謝! Read More


現在是2013年9月14日的晚上10時28分(GMT+8),我坐在香港國際機場一號客運大樓的一角,看著四周的旅客,有一個的,有一雙的,也有一團的,有老的,有幼的,有在滑手機的,也有在看書的,書?如果您有緣在書店拿起一本有我這一堆字的東西,那我的「夢」就實現了!那您呢?Do you have a Dream? 其實,我相信不只年青人,生活在地球的每一個人都有自己的「夢」,那為什麼不把它實現呢?我知道過程是難的,過程中有機會受到各種干擾的因素影響,但試問世上有多少人可以一帆風順、心想事成呢!即使有再多「完美」的計劃,每一秒都總可能會有意想不到的意外,每當有突然狀況,如果是好的我當然開心,但如果是壞的,我會感到害怕、惶恐,可是我知道不能停下來,因為只有積極面對,刻服所有的問題、困難,我才能完成我的旅程-人生! 對了,短短的18天,我發現我想利用這次寫旅記的機會就像實現了一個「夢」!   後記: 之旅記為節錄版本,有機會再把這次 LONDON + PARIS 2013 的旅記跟大家分享~ Read More


現在是2013年09月12日的上午09時50分(GMT+2),不經不覺已經接近這次旅程的尾聲,既然都來到巴黎,當然要走進這裡「最有名」的咖啡館─和平咖啡館(Café de la PAIX)!在這裡喝一杯咖啡動輒就要花上幾十歐元,更重要的是咖啡不是真的好喝,但我仍然對它有高度的評價,不是因為我收了利益,而是因為這家咖啡館堂皇的環境及悠久的歷史背景! 您有聽過巴黎戴高樂(CDG)國際機場嗎?您是否知道戴高樂是什麼?戴高樂(Charles de Gaulle)其實是一個將軍,他在第二次世界大戰光復巴黎之後,第一個要到的地方就是去和平咖啡館喝咖啡!當您知道這段歷史之後,或許您不一定會去和平咖啡館,但您對這家咖啡館一定有了不一樣的看法,而光是這一點就足以吸引到我「破產」都要親臨一次,品嚐一下全巴黎「最值得」喝的咖啡。 在巴黎,很多東西都是講究品牌,就以和平咖啡館為例,由於它是酒店附設餐廳,到訪用餐的多數是住客或遊客,不是沒有當地人,但試問又有多少呢?正如您是香港人,您會否去半島酒店食下午茶?我其實很討厭品牌效應這風氣!再以巴黎百貨公司的護膚品及香水為例,不同牌子的內含成份相差沒多少,可是價格就可以相差數十歐元。到底是什麼促使消費者寧可多花點錢都要買名牌? 我想這就是品牌推廣的威力!在香港,有一家連鎖食店叫”Delifrance”,不用到訪其餐廳,光是看名字您有什麼感覺?這次來到法國,一家分店都找不到,朋友告知下,我才知道原來其總公司源自新加坡;又記得在台灣過去的一年,我曾探任一個組織的品牌推廣經理,上司一直給我「洗腦」並要求我向更多的人作推廣,我不可否認品牌推廣部的職責就是要宣傳一個組織或公司,但我發現很多機構只宣傳其產品及服務的好處,有好的設計師就可以把組織形象提升,有錢賣廣告就可以把公司做大。更諷刺的是,現在太多不用腦的消費者,他們根本不了解產品的背景資料,而是盲目相信牌子,到底問題出在消費者還是品牌推廣的人身上呢?   Read More

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