Category: Aviation

Bank angle and Load factor relationship

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What’s load factor (LF)?

The ratio between the lift produced by the wings (i.e., apparent weight) and the actual weight of the aeroplane is called the load factor (LF).   Note: Load factors can be expressed in terms of the acceleration (on a body) due to the earth’s gravity (g) Read More

Types of wingtip devices

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How to reduce induced drag?

Reference: Flying better: Winglets make aircraft quieter and more ( Reducing_Induced_Drag (   How to reduce induced drag?   Winglet High aspect ratio wing Long span/short chord wing (high aspect ratio), the wing tip vortices are smaller because of the reduced airflow from the lower to the upper surface of the wing and therefore the Read More

Center of Pressure (CoP)

  Center of pressure (CoP) is the point on the chord line of an aerofoil through which the total reaction acts on The angle of attack is increased, the centre of pressure on an cambered aerofoil moves progressively forward (towards the leading edge) – AoA increase, CoP moves forward! Read More

Total Reaction = Lift + Drag

  Total reaction (TR) can be describe as the sum of lift and drag. Total reaction act on center of pressure (CoP)   Read More

TORA, TODA, ASDA, LDA, Clearway, Stopway

Runway End Safety Area (RESA) a cleared and graded area adjacent to the end of a runway two type: undershoot RESA, overshoot RESA undershoot RESA – provided for use in the event of an aircraft undershooting the runway overshoot RESA –  provided for use in the event of an aircraft overruning the runway after an Read More

點樣推理用咩Runway? (from wind perspective)

Which runway is using for take-off or landing? 要決定用邊條Runway, 除左考慮風之外,還有其他factors, 但光是用風去推又點計呢? 用VHHH做例子, Runway 既方位就有25, 07 假設家下是Wind 110/10KT 那 110 – 70 = 40 (代表有 head wind) 那250 – 110 = 140 (代表有 tail wind) 簡單D, Runway 同 wind direction 相減既絕對值 < 90 就代表是 head wind 成分, 那就是more favorable as suitable runway (from wind perspective)   Read More


我理解 壞左仍然係隻機就ref MEL , 甩左 就要ref CDL Read More

VHHH Runway Length? 香港機場跑道有幾長?

Reference: VHHH AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES   Read More

VHHH 邊條跑道有ILS? CAT 幾?

Reference: VHHH AD 2.22   FLIGHT PROCEDURES 10 Instrument Landing System (ILS) – General RWY 25R ILS is equipped for CAT I landings. RWY 07R and RWY 25L ILS are equipped for CAT II landings. RWY 07L ILS is equipped for CAT III landings. Operators must obtain approval prior to conducting CAT II/III operations, (see AD 1.1 paragraph Read More

Hong Kong Airspace (HKG FIR)

Ref: Civil Aviation Department – Airspace ( Airspace The Air Traffic Management Division of Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (CAD) is responsible for the provision of air traffic control service, flight information service and alerting service within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region (FIR) as designated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The airspace Read More

VHHH (香港) 既 transition altitude 同 transition level 係咩?

Reference: ENR 1.7 ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURES 1.2 The transition altitude (TA) is 9 000 ft. 1.3 The transition level is FL110.   下面一堆字既小總結: 除左好特殊情況, 離港既過左 TA climb 就轉1013.2 ; 到港既過左FL110 descent 緊就轉QNH 任何時間不應該在TA 到 FL120 呢個layer 到cruise –  一係climb, 一係descent!     Note: i) When the QNH value at Hong Kong International Airport is 979 Read More

Aerodrome Rescue & Firefighting Services (ARFFS)

Ref: PowerPoint Presentation ( Read More

VHHH AD category for fire fighting

Ref: VHHH AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES AD category for fire fighting:  Category 10 !!! If pilots wish to communicate direct with RFFS, they should inform ATC.   Notes: RFFS – RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES   How to pronounce “ARFF” – Aircraft Rescue and FireFighting   Read More

VHHH co-ordinates (座標), Elevation (ELEV 海拔), Magnetic Variation

百萬無獎問答 : 香港國際機場 HKIA 的 co-ordinates (座標), Elevation (ELEV 海拔), Magnetic Variation? 可以係邊到搵到? Ans: HK AIP AD 2.X VHHH AD 2.1   AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME VHHH — HONG KONG/ INTERNATIONAL VHHH AD 2.2   AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP co-ordinates and site at AD 221832N 1135453EMid-point of aerodrome 2 Direction and distance from city 25 km west Read More


客用官網: Hong Kong International Airport – Passenger Home ( ATIS: Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ( AIP: Hong Kong Aeronautical Information Services ( VHHH co-ordinates (座標), Elevation (ELEV 海拔), Magnetic Variation – Tommy’s Diaries ( VHHH Runway Length? 香港機場跑道有幾長? – Tommy’s Diaries ( VHHH 邊條跑道有ILS? CAT 幾? – Tommy’s Diaries ( 香港機場既救火能力: VHHH AD category Read More

CX Fleet

Reference 客機及機隊 | 旅程資訊 | 國泰航空 (     Read More

[Non-official article] Which Routes Feature Cathay Pacific First Class?

Reference Which Routes Feature Cathay Pacific First Class? – One Mile at a Time     Read More

How CX expand our service to new horizons

Reference How Cathay expands its routes | Cathay ( 一篇關於開新PORT要考慮既野~ Setting up a new route isn’t as simple as it sounds – 呢句真~ Read More

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