Category: Aviation

What’s VFR, IFR?

Back to basic: 揸車就無instrument driving…不過睇黎指日可待…講番揸飛機… Reference: Skybrary, VFRG (CASA) VFR Visual Flight Rules (VFR) are the rules that govern the operation of aircraft in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) (conditions in which flight solely by visual reference is possible). Because of the limited communication and/or navigation equipment required for VFR flight, a VFR aircraft may be subject to Read More

Depressurization (Decompression)

Reference: Read More

A350 cockpit

  Cockpit 3D   5 reasons pilots love flying the A350 Reference: Designed by pilots for pilots pilots are involved in design process Six large touchscreen displays excellent cross-cockpit visibility optimum flexibility for displaying information introduction of touchscreens Enhanced to reduce workload and raise awareness dual Head Up Display (HUD)  ‘What if’ function Read More


Function of air condition system improve passenger comfort – air conditioning ventilation – exchange fresh air maintain cabin pressure   Component of air conditioning system? B777/A350 for example – Bleed air (from APU/Engine) -> Primary heat exchanger ->air cycle machine (compressor) -> Main heat exchanger -> air cycle machine (Turbine) -> Water separator -> Mixer Read More

[NAV] Great circle, Small circle, Rhumb line

Great circle select two points on a sphere, and the largest possible circle that can be drawn around the sphere Great circle track feature shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere constantly changing track direction as a result of convergency Small circle select two points on a sphere, and draw Read More

Fun fact : Prime Meridian 會變嗎? (Prime meridian ≠ International Reference Meridian)

Reference: 21 Aug 2015 In August 2015 a paper was published by scientists in the US explaining why the Prime Meridian at the Royal Observatory Greenwich is 102 metres to the west of the prime meridian used by satellite based navigation and timekeeping, known as the International Reference Meridian or IRM. The paper created Read More

[NAV] Latitude, Longitude, Prime meridian, Anti-meridian  – position reference system

Latitude a position on the line of latitude Longitude a position on the line of longitude   Line of latitude imaginary lines along the earth parallel to each other (but perpendicular to lines of longitude) indicate your angular position north or south of equator (on equator is 0 degree) Line of longitude imaginary lines from Read More

[NAV] The earth radius and circumference 地球半徑及地球圓周

Equatorial radius (major semi axis) of the earth is 6378 km while Polar radius (minor semi axis) of the earth is 6357, and so Equatorial circumference is around 2 x 3.14 x 6378 = 40054 – i.e approx 40,000 km (21,600 NM) Geographic pole-to-pole circumference is around 2 x 3.14 x 6357 = 39922 (21,556 Read More

Gust front v.s Microburst?

Microburst affect smaller area (say around 2.5 miles), and short-lived (last for 5-10 minutes) Gust front affect wider area (say up to 20 miles) A microburst is a small concentrated downburst that produces an outward burst of strong winds at or near the surface. Microbursts are small — less than 4 km across — and short-lived, lasting Read More

Typical causes of windshear and turbulence at VHHH?

Ref: (6) Six typical causes of windshear and turbulence in Hong Kong: Terrain induced strong winds blowing across the hills over Lantau Island to the south of the airport (account for 75% of reported windshear) Sea breeze account for 15% of reported windshear Gust front (thunderstorm related) Microburst (thunderstorm related) Building induced Low level Read More

Eddy Dissipation Rate (EDR) – 一個同turbulence intensity 有關既詞彙!

Reference:   EDR quantifies turbulence for a specific aircraft, and it’s not a measure of the likelihood of turbulence—just the intensity.   ERR – Eddy Dissipation Rate 的三件事 refer to specific aircraft (type specific) describe the intensity of turbulence 同turbulence 發生機率無關   EDR 愈高代表Turbulence 對果類機既影響愈大 EDR is an observed or forecast value that is Read More

VHHH windshear and turbulence information

Reference:   Two ways to deliver W/S or TURB information in VHHH Warning – via Voice-ATIS, Digital-ATIS (D-ATIS) Alert –  generated automatically by the real time “up-to-the-minute” Windshear and Turbulence Warning System (WTWS), but passed to the aircraft via ATC   Two levels of of Windshear alerts Microburst alert (MBA) – expect headwind loss of Read More

Turbulence v.s Wind Shear

With reference to HKO publication: Windshear – sustained change (i.e lasting more than a few seconds as experienced by the aircraft) in the wind direction and/or speed, resulting in a change in the headwind or tailwind encountered by an aircraft change in lift (usually decrease lift), and cause the aircraft to go below the intended Read More

Thunderstorm, CB?

(4) four main types of thunderstorm Single-cell small, and isolated storm Multi-cell a cluster of single-cell Squall line a line of thunderstorm Super cell very strong thunderstorm, and capable of producting tornadoes   Criteria of forming thunderstorm (CB) unstable atmoshpere (warm air) moisture (larage amount) lifting mechanism (trigger action)   (5) five types of lifting Read More

Just culture

Also take reference: A culture in which front-line operators or other persons are not punished for actions, omissions or decisions taken by them that are with their experience and training, but in which gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts are. Read More

Indication of coffin corner on PFD?

On Boeing aircraft, the red barber pole is the indication of approaching coffin corner~ What’s coffin corner? Read More

DME – Distance Measure Equipment

Function of DME? provide distance information (measure the slant distance between the DME station and aircraft)   Component of DME? DME ground station (usually combined with VOR) Aircraft DME unit   Principle of DME? DME unit onboard the aircraft, that send out interrogation signal to ground DME station Ground DEM station give reply – send Read More

ILS-Z, Y, X?

What can be different? ILS frequency Waypoint Descend profile CAT type RNP requirement MAP (miss-approach) procedure Read More

CX Routes

Europe     France Paris CET/UTC+1 CEST/ UTCs+2 HKG-CDG CX261 77W 5187 NM FT: 13:15 STD:  2350LT STA: 0735LT   CDG-HKG CX260 77W 5187 NM FT: 11:15 STD:  1210LT STA: 0615LT   Germany Frankfurt CET/UTC+1 CEST/ UTCs+2 HKG-FRA CX289 359/35K 4952 NM FT: 12:40 STD:  2355LT STA: 0715LT   FRA-HKG CX288 359/35K 4952 NM FT: Read More

ILS – Instrument Landing System

ILS (Instrument Landing System) is used for precision approach, particular useful for low visibility condition and/or bad weather.   Component of ILS Localizer Glide slope Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) or Marker Beacons Runway lights 留意飛機方向!!! Function of each components: Localizer Guide the aircraft to the centerline of the runway (lateral guidance) Glide slope Guide the Read More

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