Category: Aviation

Back to basic: Law 法例

今日就黎對比一下香港,澳洲, 美國既航空例~   香港 (Hong Kong) 香港既法規有主體條例 (Ordinance) 同子規例 (Regulations)… 係DOJ e-legislation 可以搵到相關既法規 (我統稱叫 「例」) 1 條主體條例 ; 7 條子法規 448 Civil Aviation Ordinance   448A Air Transport (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations   448B Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations   448C Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995   448D Hong Read More

Scale: VTC, VNC, WAC

Ref VFRG Chapter 1 P.5 1 cm in below charts – VTC : 1.35 NM (Nautical Miles) VNC : 2.7 NM (Nautical Miles) WAC : 5.4 NM (Nautical Miles)   Visual terminal charts (VTC) simplified topographical charts highlighting features/ structures helpful to visual navigation at a 1:250,000 scale with airspace detail Visual navigation charts (VNC) Read More

Weight and Balance : Basic

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Supplemental Oxygen Requirements (Provision of oxygen)

USA : 12,500 feetAustralia : 10 000 feetHK: flight level (FL) 100 USA 91.211 Supplemental oxygen. (a) General. No person may operate a civil aircraft of U.S. registry— (1) At cabin pressure altitudes above 12,500 feet (MSL) up to and including 14,000 feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen Read More

Navigation – Flight Planning

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Flight computer CR3 for heading and groundspeed Read More

Cloud formation 夠竟係吸定放latent heat? Formation of cloud requires a continuation of the lifting process. It is assisted by the property of water of giving off heat when changing from vapor to liquid and solid states, the latent heats of condensation and of deposition, respectively. (If the vapor first changes to a liquid before freezing, then we also have Read More

Tubed tyres v.s Tubeless tyres

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Disk brake (Disc brake)

Modern general aircarft (GA) and airliner are also use disc brake Types of disk brake (disc brake) Singel disc Multi-disc   Composition of disc? Steel Carbon Modern airliner tends to use carbon multi-disc.   Advantage of disc type actuator? more effective at slowing or stopping improve the issue on drum brake (less fading problem) light Read More

Drum brakes

Drum brake – not used on modern aircraft Advantage of drum brake? faster response time Weakness of drum brake ? not efficient suffer of brake fade OSH issue – asbestos Read More

Airbus Parking Brake – Check the Pressure

Why chocks should be used? Prevent “hot brakes” situation (main reason) Simply speaking, the procedure for parking brake pressure check is : Read More

Clouds 雲

Ref: 雲係一種同水有關既大氣現象 A cloud is a hydrometeor consisting of minute particles of liquid water or ice, or of both, suspended in the atmosphere and usually not touching the ground. It may also include larger particles of liquid water or ice, as well as non-aqueous liquid or solid particles such as those present in fumes, smoke or Read More

Types of meteors (WMO)

Ref :   (4) Four types of meteors (WMO): 水 moisture related 光 light related 電 electrical related 塵 dust and particle related   Meteors present a great diversity of character. However, by considering their constituent particles or the physical processes surrounding their occurrence, meteors can be classified into four groups: hydrometeors, lithometeors, photometeors and electrometeors. 大氣現象呈現出多種多樣的特徵。但是,根據它們的組成粒子或它們發生期間的物理過程,大氣現象可以分為四組:水凝物、大氣塵粒現象、大氣光學現象 和 大氣電學現象。 Read More

meteor (流星) ; meteor (大氣現象)

Today, let us do some revision on basic. Ref : Meteorological definition of a meteor – according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) In meteorology, a phenomenon observed in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth is known as a meteor. 在氣象學中,在大氣層或地球表面觀測到的現象稱為大氣現象。   It may be a form of precipitation, a suspension Read More

Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors (WMO)

Home | International Cloud Atlas ( 一個學雲既官方網頁~ Read More

點樣決定掛8號波? (天文台測風站)

Ref 發出3號和8號信號的參考指標|香港天文台(HKO)|熱帶氣旋 Information at 2024 Sept   Read More

What’s adiabatic?

Reference Adiabatic process – Wikipedia No heat transfer (= heat does not enter or leave the system) A type of thermodynamic process that occurs without transferring heat or mass between the thermodynamic system and its environment. Read More

What’s Anabatic wind , Katabatic wind?

Ref Anabatic Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety, Katabatic Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety   Air flow travelling up a facing slope of an orographic surface (eg. hill, mountain). A cold flow of air travelling down an orographic slope (eg. hill or mountain).   Please be reminded that Katabatic wind does not heat up adiabatically! 而Anabatic Read More

How The Aircraft’s Air Brake Works

根據呢條片 – B777 B777 用 disc-brakes?! Main gear wheels – carbon disc-brakes Nose gear wheels – do not have brakes Braking system – 3大層次 Normal 用Right hydraulic Alternate/ Reserve 用Center hydraulic Accumulator 用Right hydraulic Functions: Store pressure Parking brake Wheel brakes B777 用 Hydraulic to power the brake system!  而B777 用的actuator 是carbon discs!   Braking Read More


Reference: Skybrary Airmanship – Definition “Airmanship” is the consistent use of good judgment and well-developed skills to accomplish flight objectives. This consistency is founded on a cornerstone of uncompromising flight discipline and is developed through systematic skill acquisition and proficiency.   Below are the Tony Kern Model : Discipline – a.k.a Flight Discipline – ability Read More

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