What’s “Washed coffee”?
[Ref Freeman, James. The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee (p. 17)] Washed Coffee is also known as “wet processing” removes the outer skin → soaked in water (fermentation) → rinsed and washed → dry The basic process is that the cherries are sent through a pulping machine, which removes the outer skin, leaving the sticky
Starbucks coffee finder
[Ref http://www.starbucks.com.hk/coffee/finder] Starbucks uses 3 questions to help you find a coffee you’ll love What flavor are you most drawn to? Savory Fruity Toasted Caramelized What sensation do you like on your palate? Crisp Smooth Rich How intense do you like your coffee? Subtle & Soft Medium & Balanced Intense & Robust [Ref http://www.starbucks.com.hk/coffee/our-coffees] Generally speaking, there are various degrees
What’s “Ristretto”? (Coffee)
[Ref: Freeman, James. The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee (p. 119)] Ristretto, or restricted espresso, is a shot that uses a heavier brewing ratio than the classic Italian brewing (ratio of 7 grams of ground coffee to produce 30 ml of espresso). Anywhere from a 1:1 to 1:1.5 brewing ratio is usually considered a ristretto
Notes about coffee
兩大咖啡品種 Arabica Roubusta History of Arabica Arabica Typica (@ Ethiopia, Yemen) Java Holland (The Tree) France Central and South America Arabica Bourbon Ronda France (Arabica Typica) Brazia Para Ethiopia 是以天然野生為主; Yemen才是最早發展咖啡栽培業的地方 Boubon 品種 x3 Coffea Mauritiana Bourbon Rond (= 綠頂波旁) Bourbon Pointu 時至今日,Saint Helena 的 Bound Rond 仍是世界上最貴的咖啡之一 (根說比 Blue Mountain 貴) 史實記載, Napoleon 死前就被囚在

# Notes about coffee # What’s “Washed coffee”? (水洗) # What’s “Natural Coffee”? (日曬) # What’s “Pulped Natural Coffee/ Semi Dry Coffee”? (PN法 = 半日曬) # What’s “Wet Hulling / Semi-washed coffee”? (Wet hulling = 半水洗) # What’s “Wet milling”? # What’s “Ristretto”? (Coffee) # Single-origin coffee (單品) v.s Blend (拼配) # Coffee beans of
Learning basic English – The Weather and Neutral Word
[Ref https://7esl.com/weather-vocabulary/] Life is like a rainbow. You don’t always know what’s on the other side, but you know it’s there. It’s surprisingly + … It’s …. today. It’s gonna to be … [It’s going be …] It seems that … will continue into this Friday. [Adj] sunny cloudy windy cold hot rainy drizzling stormy foggy
English Learning (Links, Sources …)
English Every Day – my notes, new words … # http://learnengdaily.tommykwan.com Learning from TV series # http://tommykwan.com/blog/english-learning/learning-from-the-tv-series/ BBC – The English We Speak # http://tommykwan.com/blog/my-diaries/learning-from-bbc-the-english-we-speak/ Daily Conversation # http://dailyeng.tommykwan.com Vocabulary (vocabulary.cl) # https://www.vocabulary.cl Vocabulary (7esl.com) # https://7esl.com Vocabulary (aliciateacher2) # https://aliciateacher2.wordpress.com/vocabulary/clothes/ Weather # http://tommykwan.com/blog/english-learning/learning-basic-english-the-weather-and-neutral-word/
Learning from BBC New: ET302
Language A plan has crashed in (somewhere). It’s believed (157) people were on the flight It’s quite a devastating scene. You can see clearly that… Various nationals were among the passengers. there was an intense fire as the aircraft hit the ground The blast and the fire were so strong that we couldn’t get near
Learning on the bus : flight business
the revamp will allow the organisation to communicate its breadth and depth of expertise to an increasingly diverse client base A reason for the change is that … momentous decision shut down the A380 programme has been a consistent problem with hindsight the business case for the A380 has failed for lack of demand Airbus
Learning from the TV series
duffle bag Booyah! – Slang term from the early 1990s meaning roughly “OH YEAH!” or “IN YOUR FACE!” or “THERE WE GO!” lunatic (adj.) – a person who is mentally ill (offensive old-fashioned) insane (adj.) – mentally ill run amok (ph.) – to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner psychopath (n.) – someone who is very mentally ill and dangerous whitewash (v.) = hide (v.) -He whitewash the fact. Don’t believe in him!
Aviation Mathematics and Physics
What is the cause for the change in seasons throughout the year? Ans : The axis of rotation of the Earth is tilted. Notes: The seasons on Earth have nothing to do with the specific shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. What causes day and night? The Earth rotates around a line through the
English every day
Are you feeling excited about Christmas? Of course! Time with friends and family, eating lots, partying, presents – and generally indulging – what’s not to like? Well, it only happens once a year, Sam. But for those of us who do celebrate Christmas, it comes at a price…I mean it comes at a cost to
Learning on the bus :‘It is a time-out condition’: Doomed pilots’ final moments in cockpit revealed
[Ref https://amp.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/report-reveals-final-moments-in-the-cockpit-of-crashed-lion-air-plane/news-story/AE43933A125C57361DAC65CB60405715] Gist Lion Air crash are looking at a computer system on the MAX 8 jet and how data from a faulty sensor caused it to send the plane into a dive. Lion Air’s cockpit voice recorders have been made public, three sources told Reuters the captain asked the first officer to check the plane’s
WordPress Cone/migration and Backup (from Server A to Server B)
Today, I am trying to back up my WordPress on Server A to Server B. To assist my future operations, I would like to open a post to record the procedures briefly. Firstly, you need to backup all the wordpress folder as well as the SQL. If you can, just use the export function of
Learning from SMCP @ fairwood
Industry insiders agree city regulator made the right call in banning Boeing 737 MAX. (CAD) was still “closely monitoring the developments FAA – considered a leading aviation regulator it was natural for the CAD to monitor the FAA’s views and decisions on the saga. Saga(n.) a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events (通常指負面的)系列事件,一長串事件 It was just another episode in the ongoing saga of their marriage problems. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/transport/article/3001743/hong-kongs-civil-aviation-department-should-act-without
Flight International : Keeping the airspace under control
[Ref 12-18 March 2019 | Flight International | 43] I have read the flight international magazine for two years, in the fast, I have tried to cut some page I would like to collect. However, I find it is really hard to review and it takes time. So..I have started take some quote from the
Learning from BBC – the English we speak
[Ref www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/the-english-we-speak/] Food for thought when you say ‘food for thought’ you mean serious ideas or topics for us to think about. No great shakes no great shakes is an expression that means it’s not very good. It also means ‘ordinary’ To take the rough with the smooth ‘to take the rough with