Day 4 – VH-YTN
Today, I have finished the day 4 training. So far, I feel that the training trip is awesome, all of the people and things here are excellent. What I can learn is attitude and it is a really good training for my mental quality. In the past, I felt nervous and my mind may be even blank out. After few months later, I feel more and more confident in handling any problem. Recall today training, when I tried to level-off at 2,000′, I reduce the power setting (throttle) to 21″ and then I pull back the pitch controller back to 2,300 rmp. The engine of the aircraft was rough running with vibration for a while. At that time what I knew is that something should be wrong, so I was just making the aircraft maintain attitude (this time the “attitude” is related to the relationship between the nose and the horizon) and then I pushed the pitch control a little bit forward and reduced again, it seems back to normal running again….After finished all the exercise, my instructors tried to land the aircraft on a desired runway, however, we saw the aircraft at the front of us are vacating the runway still, he made a miss approach eventually. Despite of making go-around by him, I do happy with my decision that I seems on the correct path.
I know not really much about aviation. What I understand is that somehow I cannot use the point of “fresh graduate” as a excuse if I am going to apply for the position of a SO in a big jet. Therefore, I have decided to come to this training program. After few days, I know more about my classmates, who may meet each and others just 4 days ago. We have our own air exercise with our instructors while we learn from others.
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate ; Discipline, Education, Social
Inside the cockpit, as a student pilot, we learn how to operate a aircraft, flying safety is our top-tier target. Navigate is that we should know the orientation as well as the direction we are going. Communicate is the interaction with all people who may be involved with the flight. Remember that at the exercise today, my instructor asked me to make a medium turn to right while the fuel tank should be changed. What should you (I) do? Of coz, you may have the correct answer already. Don’t make a simply question to be complicated! This is what my friends and instructors told me. Go straight to the point! – I had a great lesson today again since I had a chance to make the theory into practice – although I cannot handle the situation well today, I remember the faults at least. Improvement is really important. Every day have something new while we should making improvement every day. A mentor told me: when you have time to check with your instructor, then you are likely going to do thing wrong. Somehow it is not happen one me yet. However, I do feel that “experience” may be both an advantage and a disadvantage. A people with no experience in flying, they are probably to be vigilant. On the contrary, a people with experience may be relax and even becoming complacent on their result – this is the alarm of error and threat. I choose to come to AFTC is simply: the environment, instructors and facility.
Everyday, I have meal at the mess where I can see lot of cadet pilot or other types of training pilot. To be honest, all of them are human only, they may even say: what the Fxxx, such a Fxxx…However, once they get on board to the aircraft, they become a people with airmanship. At least, I do believe that our instructors will guide us to be a professional one. I have never ever think about learning flying at this fabulous campus. Time is running out always, I should take my time in the coming few days.