Day 3 Training – VH-YTN
Today, I have finished the day 3 training related to the climb and descend. Again, recall the admonishment from my mentors and instructors, I am better to put the aims of the exercise as a top-target while I should make improvement at my weakness. I do remember Dean told me that I should not trace on performance. Rightly, I should spend most of the time looking outside. I feel so happy that I have rectified the problem. However, my correction method is not sufficient to fulfill the standard – I cannot maintain S&L. Well, for me, it is not time to feel frustrated. In contract, I have just made a reflection and ask for some advice from all of my mentors, instructors and classmates.
So far, what I have learnt is that it is a good time for me to learn the correct skill of flying. Yet, it is not only need working hard and practice, but also need our self-correction ability. It is the key and essential element that a leader on a aircraft should have. Before I come to ADL, I was studying flying from the aspect of theory. After I have come to ADL as well as AFTC, I understand that theory is the cornerstone of every maneuvers. However, as a pilot, we have to be flexible. Book is just the paper and that is written by a group of human only. What I am trying to say is that most of the acknowledge from the textbook should be right, but there are exceptional cases or certain limitation on those content. Therefore, what we need to do is practice. Through the practice at these three days, I have found more and more inspiration as well as recognize that I learnt something wrong or there was misconception.
Flying on the commercial airline is professional for sure. However, I starts to realize that pilot is a human and we may make mistake, however, we can prevent all of this error by periodically repeated training. Every training (action) will has its result (reaction). Through the training, I have learnt how to make thing become muscle memory, long-term memory, and even further change them into inertia response, but it do has a cost – we need to refresh your memory after a period of time. Indeed, I have learnt a pretty good method in order to train a people no matter on any aspect.
We are only focus on one or two maneuver everyday. Before a day of every exercise, we have a mass briefing, then we have one more mass briefing before the real air exercise. For me, this methodology seems pretty good although I still need to find a further method to come across my weakness on certain air exercise.
OK…time to do some reflection on my flying exercise. Today, my schedule flight time was 12:00 ADL LOC. As I saw a classmates who had done the load sheet and Take-off distance performance calculation, I have just found the two form as my exercise. Well preparation is one of the key factors that the flight is smooth. Practice make perfect! The most typical saying is partly correct – I did the pre-flight work around check without any hesitation, it seems that some of the short-term memory is transiting to the permanent memory, at least I hope so and believe so. Yet, I do need to care about – understand the significance of checklist. Learning flying is not liken to learning driving a car – it do really relay on our self-discipline, I have no excuse to admit that I missed one item on the pre-start checklist. What I am trying to point out is that – Read and do checklist is not what we tell to the driving instructor on the ground.
During the flight, I forgot nose-down for a while after Ms. YTN climbed for 500′ ; I also missed the wing rock check before descent. Although Dean has not much comment on that. I do really care about my mistaking. Well, anyway, what I need to do is improvement.
In the past three days, I have had a regular pattern of life with different training time. As a pilot, we may seating in the same aircraft for every operation but the weather and environment is every changing. I do remember that the thermal causes Ms. YTN bumpy. However, it is what I expected. In the past, I was nervous as well as feeling tight on my muscle. After these few days, I consent about my ground school teacher said: nervous don’t help to solve the problem. Deviation is not horrible if I can correct it. I will try to follow this path – S&L