Day 1 Training – VH-YTE
05:00 Wake-up
After a sweet dream on a soft bed, I have recharged for the real starting of my training. As a student pilot, I do not allow me to get on board to the aircraft with any fatigue. Recall the knowledge from the training manual – Airmanship, or more simply to say – by common sense, a pilot should be maintain vigilant from the time when they leave their home until finish the tie-down procedure on the parking bay, or even more extending to the point when they leave the restriction area.
07:00 Mess for breakfast
The sky is still dark, blowing a chill wind. However, I saw the senior walking to the mess, where we can get some “fuel” for ourselves before we enter the restriction area.
07:35 Morning Brief – by Trevor (hope that my spelling is correct)
Remember – small, smooth input (rather than large, abruptly) movement is the first warming admonishment from Trevor. (Yup, Tender, Care and Love). Although he don’t know what is our background and of coz he has no idea if we know the checklist – the most useful tools for human, well, pilot is merely a human. “Read and Do” checklist is a type of checklist that you make action by following the checklist items while “memory” checklist is what we, as a pilot, should remember. (More information is that the sections without a black block should be in our mind – After start Check, Run-up Check, Pre T/O Check, and so on. Since these types of checklist should be doing in particular area or critical stages of any flights. We have not time to check. (Is this making sense? – I have heard this “question” from at least two tutor – of coz, as a pilot, again – airmanship – do thing logically and make sense, this the first thing I should awareness)
1616 Pre-flight Meeting
It’s time for me to meet my instructor – DEAN. Finished the Weight and Balance chat, Maintenance Release (MR) checking, SAR time entry. Wow ho, I can enter the restriction area. Pre-flight check, well, as a student pilot who want to be a real and good pilot, I try to do my best in every section, no matter it is the aim (or main target) of the training.
Walk-around inspection (including electric system checking and fuel drain) I do have learn that how to drain the fuel, every small action may cause a big mistake if I don’t maintain the correct attitude. Therefore, I always tell myself that – keep everything in serious during the flight operation, therefore, I do care about the performance even in a little step like drain the fuel, one can tell is that I do be happy because my instructor give me a chance to do it by myself – Practice makes perfect – pre-start check…..”BA BA BA…Checklist complete, Clear Prop”….Engine start finally.
As it is the first time I get airborne in here, despite of my desirous of making the radio call, I should learn from my instructor at the very first. Therefore, everything is fine and the TB-10 is taxing to the Run up bay “B”. The reason why he do so is simply – we received the ATIS code F – 03L for West departure, 100 M DEG/ 10 KT, X-wind 12 KT and DW OCNL 2KT, CAVOK, TEMP 19 C, QNH 1017. Wow, I do feel happy because I know nothing about these “secret coding”. Again, it is time to tell myself the fact that it just a piece of cake for my instructor – there are far road for me to be a real qualified pilot as well as I need to keep life-long learning.
After finished the Run up check and Pre T/O check at the same place – run up bay “B”, he make a call that request further taxing to holding point for T/O.
“Parafield Tower, TB-10 YTE, Ready RWY 03L for SKI Departure” – I said. Wow, so impressive, the first time I make the radio call in the VOR Communication frequency. For me, such a good chance to practice. Of coz, after getting the T/O clearance, the aircraft is starting to roll on the RWY, then lift-off and undergo the transition of climbing while I do something further action(s) at his clear and precise instruction. Although I only have chance to raise the flaps up and turn off the LDG light and Fuel pump. It is just a grate chance for me to practice.
We past various Reporting point, checkpoint (landmark) and over the training area. In the first flight of training, I have learnt the Effects of Controls – so what that? It should be discuss from the aim – To experience to the primary and secondary effects of ACFT CTRL on the ground and in the air.
Learning time is treasure, we are over the Outer Harbor since we have finished the training and flying back to the airport.
16:23 Debriefing
Tie-down complete – I go back to the debriefing room via the Hanger 54, I saw a big banner that about the graduation of one prestige Hong Kong based Airline. At that time, I tell myself again. What I want to be and why I come to here. Da Da Da Da..tommy, your…………………..good, but …………………….
Well, what is my strength is not really important. However, what is my weakness is really a matter from my perspective. Of coz, a good pilot should know what we have done wrong (of coz not fatal error or mistake), then correct it. Therefore, I write it down on my own log book (or notebook).
1705 Mess Briefing
Time is passing always, I and my buddies is sitting on the room and receive more and more warm reminding and admonish from our instructor. Of coz, what is the airex is not real a matter in this diary because the diary of tmr will be an indicator or I will share about my training life.
1800 Mess gathering
As a student pilot, I do need “fuel” for my stomach.
1900 Shower time
Quick method to recharge myself before the last briefing section at today.
1937 Mess briefing, Sharing and Reflection
In this training camp, what I like the most is that I come with my group mates, all of us are working in different environment. Therefore, we can see and learn from each another. In short, see you all in tmr training and briefing sections. Have a good night~