ICAO English: Photo Description
Protected: ICAO English: Photo Description 2 Words bank awaiting to use: I am looking at a picture of … This is a photo of … I think that this picture is taken in… It looks like an Airbus in dispersal It looks like fish of some sort. emblem (n.) – e.g national emblem has adopted
Aviation: Back to basic
Over the past couple of (few) days, I am going through my Aviation English learning. After few day, I suddenly have a feel stifled – don’t have a misinterpretation, it is not something that suffocate me to deplete the oxygen, instead it’s just a metaphor. I have been always improving myself for almost ten years.
2019 Happy New Year
Today, the temperature is just around 10-1x degree Celsius. Most of the Hong Kong bundle us up with at least 2 and even more layers to keep warm. For me, the temperature is particular suitable for exercise like jogging and I did a long-run covering more than 10 km along a artificial waterway – not
daily conversation (English Learning)
A: Excuse me. I think we’ve met before. 我地好似見過面?! B: I am sorry. I don’t remember. 吾好意思, 我吾係好記得LU A: That’s fine. It’s nice to meet you again! B: By the way …Where’re you from? A: Taipei…I mean the capital of Taiwan. B: What are Taiwanese like? What is your favorite food? Well… I like vegetable
BC : Discussing appearances
Summary Describing someone’s appearance and giving advice The topic of this lesson is appearance. You will: discuss how to dress in different situations focus on vocabulary for describing appearance focus on phrases for giving advice practise word stress to sound more natural when describing appearance. Ben: It’s getting closer to the big day. Are you
BC : Teamwork
Summary Talking about motivation and attitude at work The topic of this lesson is teamwork. You will: give details about a time you worked in a team learn how to structure a talk about a professional/academic experience learn words and phrases for talking about working in a team practise word stress to help you speak
BC : Opinions in meetings
Summary Presenting your opinions in a meeting The topic of this lesson is opening a new shop. You will: take part in role plays presenting your opinion with reasons in a meeting learn words and phrases connected with marketing focus on ways to describe real cause and effect situations practise speaking out on your views
BC: The art of the offer
Summary Making polite requests and offers The topic of this lesson is politeness. You will: role play making a variety of requests and offers focus on ways to ask for something politely learn phrases for accepting and refusing offers practise sounding polite when accepting and rejecting offers. Conversation 1 Customer: I’d like to book a vacation
BC : Presenting information formally
Summary Presenting a developed opinion in a meeting The topic of this lesson is environmental awareness. You will: give a presentation on making a workplace more environmentally friendly develop vocabulary related to work and the environment focus on phrases for developing an argument practise word stress in environmental words. Ben: So, what did you want
BC : Making cuts
Summary Discussing pros and cons of different solutions to a problem In this lesson you will take part in a meeting to discuss how a small company can reduce its expenditure. You will identify what expenses companies have and listen to two company directors discussing some ideas for reducing expenditure. You will focus on hypothetical
BC: Student role models
Summary Discussing role models The topic of this lesson is student role models. You will: discuss inspirational role models listen to a campus radio interview where students are interviewed about their role models develop listening for gist and detail skills. Nick: Hello listeners and welcome to Campus Voice, your online university radio station. I’m Nick
BC: Across culture
Summary Discussing issues around conversations in different contexts The topic of this lesson is appropriate conversational topics. You will: discuss and present on appropriate topics for casual conversations listen to students act out and discuss role plays around conversations develop listening for gist and detail skills. Scenario 1 ME: OK, Marry and Ivy, would you
Incident at work
話不多說. 事發日期 2018 – Nov – 10 to 2018 -Nov -11 … 因為一連串 ERROR 又未被修正, 最後我工作的公司就出了INCIDENT. 要永遠記住呢種感覺…錯左要面對處分固然有麻煩, 但最難過的是事後的壓力, 即是做一些平日熟練的工作, 您卻有一種莫名奇妙的壓迫感, 這一次學會/發現受壓能力雖比以前高, 但係…AVIATION 就是不可錯…特別係上面! 在上面一個DECISION 都不可以MAKE 錯… 就算話係MCC…但係要永遠假設CAPTAIN 暈左(即係您老闆吾再幫到您) 您都要識LAND… 又或許個PM 做吾到MONITOR 的作用…您是PF …您就要會AVIATE…又再換個角色…想做PIC 或做得PIC… 咩春都要您咩…. 總之污點永遠在資料庫長存…ET645 …永遠警戒自己的錯!
Learning English on bus : SCMP news
Ref https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/2173524/prisoner-run-after-escaping-hong-kong-hospital-climbing Prisoner on the run after escaping from Hong Kong hospital by climbing through roof in washroom What an absurd news reported by SCMP, anyway, these things happen. The story is about a foreign national 外國人 who was arrested for carrying a fake Hong Kong ID card escaped from police custody in the morning. Carry a fake HKID
Learning English on the bus : SCMP news
Ref. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/2172706/hong-kong-buyer-snaps-exceptional-white-truffle-nugget-us96000 Reading news is part of our daily activities, isn’t it. Today, in the afternoon, I scroll down the SCMP page trying to read the news and learn something new. Hong Kong buyer snaps up ‘exceptional’ white truffle nugget for US$96,000 at auction A very intriguing title, isn’t it. I gather that is about
BC : Dealing with changes to plans
Summary Dealing with changes to plans and finding solutions The topic of this lesson is rearranging appointments. You will: role play work situations where changes to meetings are necessary learn phrases for giving and receiving bad news learn phrases related to terms and conditions of sales practise using intonation to sound sympathetic I’m calling about
BC lesson: Agreements and consensus
Summary Giving reasons for your opinion in a discussion The topic of this lesson is dinner parties. You will: aim to reach an agreement in a group discussion learn adjectives to describe personality traits practise using phrases to give your opinion in a discussion focus on linking to sound more natural. Amusing people make us
BC lesson : Describing your ideal job
Summary Talking about different jobs and advantages/disadvantages The topic of this lesson is work conditions and ideal jobs. In the lesson, we: talk about different work conditions and give advice on ideal jobs learn phrases to talk about working conditions see phrases to add information practise pronouncing common career related words correctly. [Language] daily conversation:
Sudden : leaerning in the tube
On the spur of the moment (Words and phrases to describe sudden actions) An impromptu event is not planned but it happens right at the time: The singer gave an impromptu performance at a restaurant in Paris last week. something that is done ad hoc is not planned in advance but it is required: We deal
Pressure : learning at breakfast time
Don’t sweat the small stuff: words and phrases connected with keeping calm In the modern world, you and I feel stressful and pressurised sometimes. Indeed, we are working too hard and we should pace ourselves Remember – more haste, less speed. Hasty mindset could be our own worst enemy. We should not take things too seriously.