Review of the annual report of Transport International Holdings Limited (“TIH”, Stock Code: 62) – Corporate Governance
學期尾,就隨心記錄番 Transport International Holdings Limited (“TIH”, Stock Code: 62) is the mother company of the well-known franchised bus operators: The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited, Long Win Bus Company Limited. The two companies have a fleet of more than 4200 buses operating a network of 470 routes, connecting between the New Territories, Kowloon City,
今日係繼上月一次慘痛經歷之後再一次不能忘記的一天。 為了今天的行程,都有認真做了計劃,結果都係因為學藝未精,犯下一個我覺得可以避免的錯 。所以呢個黑豬仔一定要記下,不過今日都有所得著,因為可以同朋友仔遊車河
[722系列] 耀東邨 TO 中環碼頭 (來回)
2024年1月1日, 第一條片! 早上去了一間叫 DPD Deluxe 既餐廳早餐, 不錯的用餐體驗~ 之後就去左跟線~
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny life, karma whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence
News Cutting and Learning English 2023 訂了SCMP, 間中先睇下。最近,發現了一個不錯的新功能,有閱讀mode, 可train 下listening. 今日食完早餐就做下剪趣啦。 限制取消 #restrictions are dropped #requirements are lifted All Covid-19 travel restrictions were dropped and no quotas were imposed on arrivals from either side. Similarly, all pre-departure testing requirements for travelling between the two places were lifted. the government lifted the city’s indoor and outdoor mask requirements.
[B3系列] – 屯門碼頭 去 深圳灣口岸
2023年12月31 最後一衝, 可惜世事無完美, 就係深圳灣口岸開車一刻無電, 但為了安全, 又不影響正常運作, 只好番到屯市才上新電~ (回程無左上橋落橋片段, 由屯門市中心開始~)
2023 大事回故
無論電視好, 定公司好, 都好中意整D咩大事回故。過去我都打下Facebook 既…不過有時打完要等佢彈番上黎, 又或者好難搵, 所以今年就打係自己BLOG. 2023 Jan-Apr 係地盤學做人…老實說, 你話工作咩, 那算不上是什麼工作! 不過, 又問心, 係盤比老總玩, 都有很不錯既領悟。我只可以用張榮發先生書中的那些格言: 不要老是覺得別人在玩弄你, 沒有人想跟你過不去, 變念! 想開點, 做任何野都可以有所學習! 2023 Apr 今年, 第二次回到KMB服務, 好開心, 因為我細細個就識KMB, 我同佢既「友誼」? 是講緊幾十年 XDDD 可惜, 人大了, 就要講咩利益衝擊, 即是我再怎麼解釋, 都是被勸退。其實又咁睇, 當初MAKE DECISION 要過檔既係我, 那魚與熊掌既道理姐, 理解理解~ 好多謝係站頭照顧過我既師姐師兄, 係KMB 既日子真係好好好好好好好開心的。 其實一過左年我就開始迷失, 係KMB玩車既時間就是我最開心既「娛樂」。我要聲明: 每次上車都好認真, 只係因為我ENJOY 每一程, 所以我覺得開心,好比在「娛樂」 – 每個車長都是背負百幾條命,責任呢一點同「娛樂」無衝突! Anyway~ 2023