What’s Solar insolation?
The weather on our mother earth is starting from the energy of the sun. So, how the energy of sun can reach the earth? To more specific, weather is basically the result of temperature differences! Another useful footage for us to learn about the basic background of temperature difference on the earth Read more –
Protected: 10 hours of flight experience
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Revision: Do Safety Committee Member need to be appointed? 安全委員會成員要委任嗎?
Ref: 第59AF章 《工廠及工業經營(安全管理)規例》 11. 安全委員會的組成等 (1) 按第10條規定設立安全委員會的東主或承建商,須確保 —— (a) 該委員會有至少一半成員(不論他們是被提名的或是選出的)代表在有關工業經營中的工人; (b) 該委員會獲得一份書面陳述,其中列出管限其成員資格、職權範圍及會議程序的規則; (c) 該委員會每3個月至少開會一次;及 (d) 該委員會備存會議紀錄 —— (i) 為期5年或以上,由有關會議紀錄所關乎的會議日期翌日起計; (ii) 並在任何職業安全主任索閱時供其查閱。 (2) 在就某有關工業經營而設立的安全委員會的會議上,只可討論在該工業經營中的工人在工作時的安全及健康方面的事宜。 按上文理解,只要有一份就有關該委員會的書面陳述便可,並無確切指出要Appoint anyone! 然而,僱主要如何澄明僱員是委員會成員就另外唸了~
What’s Trough of Low 「低壓槽」?
Ref https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/education/weather/wind-and-pressure/00117-introduction-to-air-pressure-part-ii.html A trough of low pressure is an extended area of low pressure. On the weather chart, it has associated with it a trough line. The pressure there is lower than that at neighbouring points on either side of the trough line. Monsoon low pressure v.s Tropical cyclone
Landing gear – how modern jetliner landing gear work?
“Oleo Pneumatic Shock Absorber Strut” – it is used on modern jetliner landing gear (e.g B777, A350). Read More – Thx Captain Joe! Gravity Extension of landing gear Why is the landing gear tilted? What’s Nose wheel steering?
How the landing gear locked at down position?
Ans: Over center mechanism – a.k.a overcentre geometric lock
What’s the basic structure of flight manual (AFM/POH)?
Flight Manual / Pilot Operating Handbook, in general, has nine (9) chapters: General Operating Limitations Emergency Procedures Normal Operating Procedures Abnormal Operating Procedures Performance Weight & Balance / Equipment List Description of the airplane and its system Maintenance, Ground handling Supplement According to the FAA PHAK, it might has Chapter 10 – Safety Tips.
What’s area rule?
Why 747 design as semi-upper deck (i.e Why 747 has its hump?) Every design happens with its reasons! Today, I have just known this vary interesting rule – area rule! Note: it is ATPL – AGK (airframe) topic, if it is too difficult for you at this moment, leave it some day you need it.
What’s keel beam?
What’s keel beam? The structure runs along the fuselage centerline through wing center section area. The keel beam is providing essential support, rigidity, and load-bearing capabilities.
What’s EASA – European Union Aviation Safety Agency?
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the regulatory authority responsible for the airworthiness and environmental certification of all aeronautical products, parts, and appliances designed, manufactured, maintained or used by persons under the regulatory oversight of EU Member States.
到底著邊隻Engine先? Engine 又係點Start? 點解用單一隻Engine Taxi?
Which engine should be started first? The most simply way to understand is that it is instructed by the SOP. But you may ask why? Indeed, the starting sequence of a modern jetliner is related to the hydraulic braking system. The brake system is functioning properly by the hydraulic power. The hydraulic pump is run
What’s Engine No.1 ? Engine number 點分?
經常聽到Engine No.1 又或者咩咩咩No.1 …到底Engine D Number 點分? It’s very simply: view from the tail to the front – front pilot seat perspective, the most left engine from fuselage on port side it No.1, following by that is No.2 and so on. So, using the 727 as an example, the one mounted at tail is
What’s PAN-PAN call?
PAN-PAN call is the ICAO standard phraseology used as a preface to a radio transmission to indicate a state of urgency requiring priority, BUT for the time being, it does not pose an immediate danger to life or to the aircraft itself.