A boy who wear a formal shirt with grass background. It is weird, don’t you think so? It is modern mix with nature! Before I come to Moldova, I have made well mental and physical preparation for the project, Moldova Challenge. I am living in developed country and I am used to live in technology world. Also, I have never living in village, it is really having different challenge for me in this trip, one of them is living with limited technology!
Once mention the word “Technology” nowadays, many urban citizen usually only make connection with computer, the Internet, mobile phone and sort of Information technology stuff. There is only few people think about washing machine, tap-water system, town-gas system and electricity system. Perhaps the country where I am living in is with developed city infrastructure, period maintenance and even service guarantee system. If I had not come to the village, I would not know the importance of the technology, meaning apart from the Information Technology.
In the village, they usually wash their clothes by hands and dry it by sun; The electricity is out of service sometimes. At least I came across once; Internet? No! If I want to use the Internet, I have to use the mobile network and it costs 50MDL(3.33EUR)/250MB.