There is no best, only better!
June 7, 2017
It is time to write a new post as I have not update my ‘diary’ for 3 months. In the past few months, I have changed a lot. Rightly, I have been changed just less than a year. However, I am still clear about my goal!
To think back 2015, I was getting lost and once disoriented about my career path. Fortunately, aviation industry give me direction. I have started my PPL ground course since then. I worked in a primary school as a IT assistant. After 10-months ‘fresh-grad transition training’ in the potected zone, I have started my life in aviation industry since 2016.
I think glad that I have not made any application from any airlines although my passion in airlines industry is crystal clear. I absolutely believe that I was far less than baseline in the last year.
To recall more back to 2014, when I was the quasi-graduate student in NTUT, I was pretty emtional person. I was easy to get rush and become panic if there was situation that I had not seen.
Thanks my current employer provides day-to-day working opportunity as one of my continuous learning regimes. I have known more about myself as well as want you feel that I become better and better teammate since the first day.
To show my improvement in these 11months. Let me share the most impressive cases that I handled recently.
One evening, after I saw a A320 off the parking stand, I went back to base for the post-flight document filing. Once I had just seat down, I received the ground return information from airport apron control office. “ABC airline, flight num 888 are going back to remote- bay num 123 ,due sick PAX onboard”….situation case…what would you do if you were me? For me at the moment, I was not a freshman. Also, I just told myself that it was my time to show my real function in the OPS dept.
First, any abnormal situation detected or occuring, just make your teammates know about it, and your supervisor is a must person-to-be-informed. Ask anyone who may have relative experience. To elaborate more to my target post as a teammate inside cockpit, getting my teammates in loop is necessary, my understanding, however, is that all crew member have well-trained and fully prepared for certain but common abnormal situation like engine fire, radio failure, even unlawful occupation etc..
Coming back to my case, I did following steps at that moment:
1. readed back the message (flight num, bay num, and reason of return)
2. Ask for further information
3. Ask for helping loudly – ‘888 ground return due sick PAX, any driver for my transportation?’
4. Contact Supervisors – more than one and X-department
5. Ground support equipment department
6. PAX service department
7. ……
O….come on….according to the company procedure, I do need to contact my supervisor, but is it the best way to handle that case? Consequently, I did all steps by myself and I reached the returning bay just barely 30s to 40s before the returning aircraft ceased. What doesn’t it mean? Having to say that my company have no formal training or rehearsal about returning due sick pax, but as a agent who want to seat at higher position, I always asking for improvement and better method. Of coz, I only have time and space to share the starting of the ‘888 return case’ . The more important is that it is partly due to the work ethic.
Now, even under pressure, I get easier to control my brain and maintain at least minimum function of calculation. Also, I have already get use to think logically and be rational. There is no best, only better!