Life-long Learning: 人生是不斷修正的過程~


I have come back Hong Kong almost a month. Rightly, as a fresh graduate, without any working experience as well as not the “first-hon” graduate, it is very difficult to seek for even an interview here. Fortunately, my boss choose to believe in me and offer an excellent position to me so that I can work at day-time and study at night-time. Today, I eventually have time to re-launch my blog. In the past four years, I have recognized that time is running fast. I am not sure if I can achieve my next goal. I, however, will keep learning – from job, from school and from my parents.

In May, at the time when I got my driving licence at Taipei, I have gotten an ulcer in my mouth. I am not sure if it is merely an ailment or chronic inflammation. Life do be intricate from my perspective although no one can promise what will happen next.

Well, time to sleep, there are big project coming soon if everything is on schedule (if there are no big health problem).

ps: the title is quote from a predecessor – Dr. Lo~
