Learning English on the bus : SCMP news

Ref. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/2172706/hong-kong-buyer-snaps-exceptional-white-truffle-nugget-us96000

Reading news is part of our daily activities, isn’t it. Today, in the afternoon, I scroll down the SCMP page trying to read the news and learn something new.

Hong Kong buyer snaps up ‘exceptional’ white truffle nugget for US$96,000 at auction

A very intriguing title, isn’t it. I gather that is about a billionaire have just bided snake from the auction. To me, truffle is not really palatable perhaps because I am not a gourmet and so I don’t know how to appreciate it.

The white truffles of the Alba region are highly sought after and are unearthed between September 21 and January 31.

No matter how much sought after (= famous because of high quality or rare) it is or how expensive it is, I confess that I am a big fan in the food – truffle. I can take it or leave it. For me, coffee is more overwhelming.

Now? Coffee break ~

Ref. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/2172341/top-hong-kong-policeman-gives-thumbs-officer-who-shot

Few days ago, a policewoman of HKPF opened fire to take a knife-wielding man into custody.

At about 7.40am that day, Yuen and her partner picked up a 55-year-old builder, surnamed Chow, as he appeared suspicious. During questioning, the officers said, Chow took a 15cm cutter from his backpack.

Lawmakers across the political spectrum had questioned whether it was appropriate to fire a gun in an MTR station. They urged a thorough and transparent investigation.

Every time after incident or just an episode, it is not unusual that the management team give comments and questions. Although they clearly understand that the front-line are enduring tremendous pressure, they (the lawmakers) in this case want to show that they don’t take a side on the issue – and so requesting probing process. However, what’s next, they always put more attention on the hot-issue, isn’t it?
