Learning English on bus : SCMP news

Ref https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/2173524/prisoner-run-after-escaping-hong-kong-hospital-climbing

Prisoner on the run after escaping from Hong Kong hospital by climbing through roof in washroom

What an absurd news reported by SCMP, anyway, these things happen.

The story is about a foreign national 外國人 who was arrested for carrying a fake Hong Kong ID card escaped from police custody in the morning.

Carry a fake HKID = possess(es/ed) a suspected fake ID card

in the morning = this morning = on Friday morning (Today is Friday)

the man complained of feeling sick = He claimed he was sick

Police have launched a massive manhunt 大搜捕 (for) the prisoner – Police have set up roadblocks and are searching for him in the area surrounding the University of Hong Kong, which is nearby

Ref https://www.scmp.com/native/lifestyle/health-wellness/topics/out-and-about/article/2171331/81-hong-kong-runner-shows-no

During my leisure time, I love to do sport and jogging is my first choice. Sometimes, at least thrice a month, I run for approx 10 km from my domicile to the near district. It seems that I share some philosophy with the interviewee , a 81 HK runner.

Runner should warm up and start with a soft 10-minute jog, before embarking on a 10km (6.2-mile) run.

“I don’t stop to take a break in the middle, he says. “When you run, you run … My coach used to say that you’ve lost the game once you start walking.”

“Many runners gather at the aid station for water,”

“But it would slow me down if I joined them. It also takes time to ‘reboot’ your body after stopping even for a short while.

We share similar method and ideology. I could not deny that some runner take a water cooling moment at checkpoints, but I don’t need it and I always ask myself not to do so.

Chau, the interviewee started running in 1979 for health reasons, so do I. Long-distance run is especially crucial for us to build physical resilience and mental toughness.

Doing restaurant chores and toiling on construction sites and becoming a sailor and later made his becoming worn out by the time he was 40.

Medication offered only temporary relief, so he tried to improve his health through jogging.

Once he started running, there was no turning back; he fell in love with it.

Believe it or not, once crisis emerging, you have an opportunity indeed. In Chau’s story, he joined a sports association that offered training to its members and he has never stopped competing since.

He carries out his training with patience and enthusiasm and continues to push himself to the limit every time he competes.

From my perspective, moderate pressure does help us to maintain vigilance and enhance performance. However, it acts as a swiss-knife. We should know our limitation! I mean that life is priceless and we are better to make achievements instead of pushing ourselves beyond limit.

Persistence and discipline are key parts of his fitness training.

For most of the past six years, I have been trying to do sports as much as possible, at least once a week. Similar to Chau, I run on very hot days when it’s 35 degrees or 36 degrees Celsius (95 degrees to 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit), or when it gets as cold as 8 or 10 degrees. On rainy days, I warm up a bit as the sunny days by jumping and stretching before going out in the rain.

“I get soaked for over an hour, but I have got used to it.

You become more energised as you run. It’s all about maintaining good habits.”

It seems that we share mutual habit. Without jogging, I do feel upset and depress. From this saying, I don’t know whether it is a good habit or not. You know it. The modern citizen and for those who live in HK. The hustle and bustle life as well as overtime working requested by employers depleting our personal time – Some boss do really love to enchroach on your private life. Albeit –

If you’re truly passionate about something, you will never give it up.


