Happy Chinese New Year – The year of rooster
January 29, 2017
“Good evening, how are u, may I come in?” I tried to show my courtesy to two cockpit crews. Perhaps I had no such kind of escort duty for months, or I felt happy about going for dinner with my family members. I was just like a tour guide who might tell you the local ritual or such kind of information.
“Oh..tired…” soft- and slow-reply from the captain. “Oh..sorry to hear your delay flight…well …may I remind you one thing…the departure crew arrived but our department only have one bus…would you mind waiting here for a while?” As you know…they are cockpit crew…I am just a little ground staff who works in the smallest ground handling company of VHHH. “NO, we only need few minutes”….omg…thx so much for his(her) response…It was awkward to tell them the fact.
“Sir, when is your next flight”…I tried to start chatting with them…”I have a week…” Bravo…they are not that kind of mouth-zipped pilot. “WELL, SORRY SIR…SECURITY CHECKPOINT..PLZ BRING ALL YOUR LUGGAGE” As usual, we arrived the booth after we had just starting our casual communication. “I am going to have a week of holiday” (furlough…the word come to my mind while I am typing this blog…I have just learnt the word for weeks but I am not sure the usage of that word…may be one of my topic with next arrival crews)…Aha…then the road to home more soon…Crew happy then I happy! “Sir, do you have any items needed to be declared? Otherwise, we pass through that gate”..I said so since the F/O was going to the “red” lane.” …”Sir, this way plz” I tried to make sure give them direction…”O…staff and crew special lane..” ….”wow…you have a excellent good eyes…no myopia” ….”ya…sure, I am a pilot” Suddenly…I felt that I seven lu…but what I wanted was refreshing the vocabulary from my memory. “This way plz…we are going to T2” I guide them again after we touched arrival hall. “Ok, we are following you.” I abruptly had a feeling of flying…“sorry,.captain plz wait for moment” Then, I left them within 30 steps and asked a lucky windmill from the god of wealth…”Sir, this for you…it can bring you good luck” The little gadget from airport authority did me a favor… It helped me to open an other topic with my VIP…”actually …today is the second days of the year of rooster”…omg…Perhaps my rubbish pronunciation, same problem happened: roaster v.s rooster…they did not understand at the vert start…then I added more – “I am not sure…the mouse, monkey, tirger…” At that moment, I used some “non-standard” words to explain to them…and now I have checked the most suitable description is in one word- zodiac. Anyway…I was just keeping chatting with them… “aaa..you can enjoy the firework show tonight as well…” I was feeling as if meeting two old friends… “I want to find some place with my family..they are coming for visiting… and is it the holiday this week?” Um…he is right partly…but that should be in mainland China rather than Hong Kong…Originally, I wanted to tell them some hong kong people who follow the “back holiday?” may have a compensatory day off tmr…but I even had no idea about those phrase…Such a nice duty from my boss..Thank for chance to learn something new.