From Day to Night, From … to …
March 9, 2017
Sitting at a corner inside a herbal tea shop where was located in my living community. It’s time to type a new blog – sharing my recently life with you, keeping a record for reviewing in the future as well as making a reflection and practising my English writing.
Why Tommy was drinking the “Chinese Coffee” rather than the Western style one? Well…I wanted a shelter to kill time before I had lunch with my dear mum. Recently, my boss give me an excellent night-shift experience. In a darkness working environment with expected drowsiness, all of team member have to stay at highly alert status in order to complete every mission smoothly, efficiently, and more important, to put nobody in jeopardy. To be honest, it take extra mental and physical energy of us.
To show my passion and flexibility in the industry that I am working for, I am willing to take the opportunity without reluctance. However, I have to admit that I am a morning person and I prefer to sleep at local nighttime. If you love to make a long-distance traveling, you probably have already had a question: are you talking about jet lag. For me, as a little ground staff, I have no need to commute between two far places with significant time zone difference. Albeit, my working pattern are simulating, not exactly, but with at least certain elements of a frequent flyer. Excluding the high-altitude environment, I tried to keep my body knocking at VHHH time.
In case the duty report time is date X between 1600LT to 1800LT, then I usually sleep around 01LT to 02LT of date X. After the 9 hours duty, usually between 01LT and 03LT of date X+1. I have few options depending on various factors: the service hour of direct bus routes and my next duty reporting time.
If I need to work for night-shift duty between date X+1 and X+2. I prefer to sleep few hour at office, then take the first direct route to take a shower and sleep til around 12LT or even 13LT. With sufficient rest as well as enjoy a dinning moment with my parents (usually my mum), I am ready to go back VHHH.
On the other hand, I may have a day-off. The life style may be slightly modified. I brush my teeth at somewhere of VHHH, same as the above mentioned cases, but next I probably be sleep in locker room to 09LT of date X+1 (I learn from other over-night shift peers indeed). Then, going back home take a shower and change to ‘casual mode’. If not coffee, It
may be time to finish my herbal tea and have lunch with my mum (sometimes with dad as well).

For certain day of week, I have scheduled lesson for my continuous learning scheme, I eat outside. Otherwise, I usually change to ‘Sport Mode’ – jogging, bicycle, badminton, table-tennis etc.
It is just as if a new starting, from day to night. And from night to day again. And again – every day is a new day – for simulating, learning as well as preparing myself to work at high ‘level’.