2015-12-05 Rainy day is not that bad
In a raining afternoon, the sky is overcast and covered with layers of cloud. Although it is chilled and damp outside, it cannot bother my family gathering in a Chinese-style restaurant (茶樓). I have just leaved early than my parents and aunt. Somehow, I do enjoy the meal with them but I also want to spend more time for pursuing my goal. However, after I have just took a bath as well as watching outside the window from my room, the upset mood commence abruptly from my mind.
Recalling the conversation in the other gathering with my study-group buddies. One asked if there is any hurdle may block our way once we can really be selected into our dream school for a period of year abroad training. Even if I have no question for that year, how about in the following years? It’s a life-long career, isn’t it? Well, if this question came up at a year before, it could be nuisance for me. Unfortunately, it may not be a trouble for me anymore. Having to say that, I have to say a thank you to a person. I do not want to go into details about my past “experience”. In contrast, I am looking for my future from that on. If my concept is reasonable, the company is hunting for a person who are capable to manage his/her emotion and relationship since it is talking about a hundred of life are giving hand to that right person.
Perhaps some may still with doubt for my answer that is because of my status is not engaged – single. However, my further answer may say that I am going to achieve the goal before I will make a family. Therefore, my cup of tea should accept and consent that driver is my profession.
Frankly, what I have to master and care about is my English although I have spent years in this daily tool. Last but now least, we see the bad weather is not that bad if we climb higher! Keep going on, buddies!