Lesson 14 – Company Structure

Talking about company structure

The topic of this lesson is company structure. I had a chance to:

  • describe the structure and different positions in companies
  • learn phrases related to company structure
  • look at different ways to describe how people work together
  • practise stressing words correctly in phrases related to company structure.

After a night shift and lovely breakfast time with my mum, I had the awesome lesson because I learnt something … In the lesson, teacher needed us to work in a group with 4 people, we needed to write a paragraph after reading a small pile of paper slices, which could divided into 4 to 6 pieces for each of us. Obviously, I did notice one of our group mate , who is an aunt, seemed behind our pace, and later in the discussion, she was working really hard on her own notes iso joining our conversation…I dare you could imagine that our group was giving shit as a result…suddenly, I realized it could be the best simulation for any and a special interview that I always want to be success in…well, no aunt group mate, only have incompetent group mate – I mean that we should be tentative and considerate as a good leader… such an embarrassing lesson but glad that was only a lesson. If I did invited her to join us, we would have had exceptional presentation.

This lesson is really useful for my future interview for my ideal job and we might get some question about the company structure. Our interviewer would like to assess our understanding of the company and they would like to know if we realize how to work with others – maybe up, maybe down, and maybe at the same position.

Questions to know who you are speaking to?
  • What company are you working for?     – work for a company
  • Which department and team are you working in?  – work in a department or a team
  • What’s your position?

Somehow I was not studying in business management or administration related faculty at university, it was really the first time I heard about the term of “organogram” – a organization diagram.


  • The purpose of (an event) is to …
  • (Sth) is divided into (how many) (units).
  • Each (unit) reports to (sby.)
  • (sby.) report(s) to (another body), who is ……
  • All (sby.) need to work closely together.


The purpose of this meeting is to give you an overview of the Flight Operation division.

In our company, Ramp Service Department are divided into four divisions – Flight Ops, Ramp, Safety, Training

Each team reports to the Head of Ramp Service Department.

Either Flt Ops Officer or Agent, we work in the Flt Ops Department. In our daily duties, we have many chances to work with airlines personnel, crew members and third-party. We are responsible for aircraft turnaround. We report directly to our Flt Ops Supervisors, who work under the Duty Manager of whom is in charge of our division.

Although I have tried to tell you the organogram by words, we work closely together like a happy family.


