Learning on the bus : flight business

the revamp will allow the organisation to communicate its breadth and depth of expertise to an increasingly diverse client base

A reason for the change is that …

momentous decision

shut down the A380 programme

has been a consistent problem

with hindsight the business case for the A380 has failed for lack of demand

Airbus has already slowed A380 production to a trickle

We have no sustainable A380 backlog and hence no basis to sustain production

dearth of interest = lack of interest

withdrew (v.) some of its early A380s from service, which then struggled to find a buyer – eventually being allocated to part-out.

Part Out = To remove a part from or disassemble an aircraft, engine, propeller, or assembly of parts.

depreciation is likely to remain steep

contract rejig

rejig (v./n.) =  rearrange

20 orders from lessor Amedeo have also been axed




