daily conversation (English Learning)

A: Excuse me. I think we’ve met before. 我地好似見過面?!

B: I am sorry. I don’t remember. 吾好意思, 我吾係好記得LU

A: That’s fine. It’s nice to meet you again!

B: By the way …Where’re you from? 

A: Taipei…I mean the capital of Taiwan.

B:  What are Taiwanese like?


What is your favorite food?

Well… I like vegetable and fruits, I eat lot.

What color of vegetable do you like most then?


Future Time 2 – Expressing certainty
Conversation 1

  • 我聽講您就黎會…真的嗎?
    Q: So, I hear you are (moving to Taiwan/doing sth.soon, is that right?
    A: Yes, I am off (in the coming future/next month.) I have planned to apply for the cadet pilot program.
  • 聽落幾刺激啵, 一定會同您做緊既野好吾同~
    Wow! That sounds so exciting. It’s going to be quite(/pretty) different from what you are used to be doing, isn’t it?
  • 一開始點都有點難嫁喇, 但我深信好快會搞得黎~
    It certainly won’t be easy at first. I believe it will probably take a while to settle in.
  • 感祝您好運, 不過其實您都應該…感您將來就會好過D
    Good luck then. (And) You should definitely try to (do sth..). Or you should … That will almost certainly make your life a bit easier.
  • 好主意啵, 但其實都吾易
    Good idea. Thx mate! Though (= but) it definitely won’t be easy.
  • 吾好放棄, 全力以赴, 得左記得話我知
    Well, just don’t give up, give it some welly! Let me know later after you make it.


Conversation 2

  • 點解! 點解D 雨落極都吾停?! 真係吾敢相信宜家係冬天!
    Oh! why doesn’t this rain ever stop! I can’t believe it’s the middle of winter.
  •  我明牙, 真係幾煩, 但睇黎吾會感快停囉~
    I know, it’s so annoying. but it isn’t likely to stop soon.
  • 吾係牙FA, 睇怕成個冬天都落雨嫁喇~
    Really? May be it will rain all the winter.
  • 噢…我真係吾係幾想囉! 不過我決定左明天吾去行山的了~
    Ugh…I hope not. btw, I definitely won’t be going to hiking tmr.
  • 您對! 條路應該都好凍同溼
    Right, it’s likely to be cold and wet for the road.
  • 希望星期日會轉好天
    Perhaps it will clear up by Sunday.
    //NOTES: “clear up” = If the weather clears up, the cloud and rain disappear//
  • 求神拜佛!!!
    Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


Future Time 1 – Will, probably, may and might
Conversation 1

  • Well, I might be going to work in a coffee shop for the expenditure. I’ve applied for the cadet pilot program and if I’m lucky enough to enroll in the flying school. I’ll be able to save up quite a bit of money. After that, I’ll probably take three to four years to prepare myself to be a first officer and travel around Asia before the further promotion to be the commander.

Conversation 2

  • We’ve got nearly a year until the big day and so far things are going to plan. We won’t be having a small wedding because we both have a lot of relatives and friends. We haven’t made our minds up about the reception yet … umm … we may have a buffet, but I think we might go for a four-course meal. We haven’t decided on the honeymoon either, but we’ll probably go somewhere sunny by a beach.

Conversation 3

  • Well, erm … the business has made a large profit over the last few years and my products are continuing to sell very well. I’ll review my costs and marketing strategy at the end of the year and I’ll probably expand globally. I might work on updating my new design next year if things continue to get better.


Past Tense 1
Conversation 1

  • When I was a child, I used to……, but I don’t do that any longer.
  • When I was a teenager, I used to……, but I don’t do that any more.
  • When I was in my twenties, I used to ….., but I don’t do that any more either.

Conversation 2

  • 您食左咩野做午餐牙?
    What did you have for lunch?
  • 都係果D啦!
    Oh, the usual.
    A boring sandwich and an orange.
  • 係牙…都好似無咩選擇啦?!
    Yeah, there isn’t much variety, is there?
    //NOTES: [音] there-ris-son //
  • 係囉, 剛剛開學果陣都無感差
    No. It didn’t use to be this bad when we started university.
  • 係嫁, 果陣都叫正常D 同幾平
    Yeah, you’re right. There used to be better and at least we had proper meals, and they were cheap.
  • 咪就係, 果陣好食D添啦~
    I remember I used to eat well back then and the food was really tasty.
  • 是但啦, 反正大學CANTEEN好食過中小學飯盒掛?
    Well, at least the meals we have here in the university canteen are better than the school dinners we used to have.
  • 簡直就係想吐啦…您仲記吾記得 …?
    Yeah, they were disgusting. Do you remember the cabbage we used to have on Tuesdays?
  • 無錯…簡直想死~
    Oh yeah! That was really awful …
  • 話事話, 您係吾係果陣已經係素食者?
     you use to be a vegetarian back then?
  • 當然吾係啦, 我果陣仲食魚~
    No, I didn’t. I used to eat fish.


Modals – Making deductions
Conversation 1

  • 您有無見過 …?
    I wonder where Ivy is. Have you seen her?
  • 無啵…我都係剛剛先入黎…佢應該係到掛?
    No, but I’ve just got in myself. She might be here.
  • Do you think she’s late again?
  • 我念吾會掛,佢已經收左一封警告信嫁喇啵~
    I hope not. She’s already had one warning.
  • 感又係, 我念佢都吾會想要多封掛
    Yeah, I don’t think she’d want another one.
  • 感佢一定係病左~
    She must be ill then.
  • 點解您會感講呢? 佢琴日都仲好地地
    What makes you say that? She was fine yesterday.
  • 又好似係, 我念番起… 佢…
    Yeah, and now that I think of it, she said she was going out for a meal last night
  • 感會吾會係食物中毒牙?
    She might have got food poisoning
  • Yeah, you may be right.
  • Where was she going?
  • The Habour Pa Pa
  • 感應該吾會係… 果到好好嫁…我去過N次~
    It can’t be food poisoning then. That place is really great. I’ve been there loads of times.
  • 喂…睇下, 佢應該係到嫁啵…果見吾係佢既外套咩?
    She must be here. Isn’t that her coat over there?
  • 係啵…仲係好Q有名的外套添, 我認得我係SHOP WINDOW見過~
    Oh yeah! Nice coat! It must be from that boutique in BB Plaza. I recognise it from the shop window.
  • 我睇就都吾係果到黎…因為佢地只有BLUE, 無RED COLOUR 嫁~ 但紅色又幾令… 係吾係? 吾知幾$呢~
    No, it can’t be from there. They only have it in blue and not red. The red one’s nice though, isn’t it? I wonder how much it cost.

Present Simple 1 – Word order and 3rd person forms
Conversation 1
