職安知識之「點解噴油房要用 Brushless (BL) Motor」
Technology | Makita 牧田(香港)有限公司 – Brushless Motor What is BL Brushless Motor? A conventional brushed motor is made up of carbon brushes, a ring of magnets (stator), an armature, and a commutator. When the motor is energized, a charge travels from the battery, through the brushes, into the commutator, and into the windings of armature. Then
溫故知新之咩叫 懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」/「飛棚」)
懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」)是竹棚架 的一種。吊棚一般以狗臂架結構承托,是從樓宇或構築物外牆伸出的懸空結構,而整個棚架全靠現存樓宇或構築物作支撐。 常見的懸空式竹棚架是由以 3 顆繫穩螺絲垂直安裝的金屬托架從底部承托(下稱「一般 懸空式竹棚架」)。 2024 年職安知識您要知: 勞工處已出版更新的「竹棚架工作安全守則」 Reference: https://www.oshc.org.hk/oshc_data/files/greencross/2024/GXAPR-JUN2024-05.pdf https://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/public/pdf/os/D/TOS_Guidance_notes_tc.pdf
溫顧知新: 棚架安全 competent person (CP):
好多有關棚架的RA其實都好似忽略左 “改” 呢一PART, 同埋其實又真係幾何有個CP企係到睇…呢個我心中有問號…不過都可以review 下 CP 在搭棚上既職責: 3.2 Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations 3.2.6 Regulation 38F This regulation requires that a scaffold shall not be used unless it has been inspected by a competent person (CP): (a) before being taken into use for the first time; (b) at regular intervals not exceeding 14 days immediately
Revision: Do Safety Committee Member need to be appointed? 安全委員會成員要委任嗎?
Ref: 第59AF章 《工廠及工業經營(安全管理)規例》 11. 安全委員會的組成等 (1) 按第10條規定設立安全委員會的東主或承建商,須確保 —— (a) 該委員會有至少一半成員(不論他們是被提名的或是選出的)代表在有關工業經營中的工人; (b) 該委員會獲得一份書面陳述,其中列出管限其成員資格、職權範圍及會議程序的規則; (c) 該委員會每3個月至少開會一次;及 (d) 該委員會備存會議紀錄 —— (i) 為期5年或以上,由有關會議紀錄所關乎的會議日期翌日起計; (ii) 並在任何職業安全主任索閱時供其查閱。 (2) 在就某有關工業經營而設立的安全委員會的會議上,只可討論在該工業經營中的工人在工作時的安全及健康方面的事宜。 按上文理解,只要有一份就有關該委員會的書面陳述便可,並無確切指出要Appoint anyone! 然而,僱主要如何澄明僱員是委員會成員就另外唸了~

職安健創新及科技博覽 2024 Day 2
On the day 2 of the expo, I suddenly had an idea coming out from my mind. Why not practicing my English listening skill. The organizer provided interpretation service. I borrowed the head-phone and the portable device, then I started my learning. Below are the canned sentence that I can use in the future for

Day 57: You’re gonna have some ups then you’re gonna have some downs.
It has been almost two months following “Master (師父)”. I also have met another bosses. Well, the feeling is quite weird. Actually, all three bosses are treating me very well – my Master always treats me for meals and chats with me as a mentor; Another two bosses are nice as well. However, I don’t
Day 3: first time receiving tasks to a site
Today, it is my first time receiving tasks to a site. Rightly, what I have seen today showing that why there is a position called RSO. Well, it is time to bed for tmr new learning day~ Gd Night!
Day 2: the first day of office duty
In the morning, I woke up at 0630. Rightly, the alarm function of my mobile phone did not work and I woke up on my own body clock. After gripping a cup of joe and I reported duty in the office. Perhaps, it is the first day of office task, Master did not give me
Day 1: I have made mistakes already~
Place visited today: a Magistrates’ Courts (裁判法院) one of the construction site (in Hospital) Today, it is the day 1 of my life as a trainee in OSH sector, a field that I have wanted to touch when I was still working in the airport. Actually, I have given up my goal to become a