Category: The life in VHHH

2019 Happy New Year

Today, the temperature is just around 10-1x degree Celsius. Most of the Hong Kong bundle us up with at least 2 and even more layers to keep warm. For me, the temperature is particular suitable for exercise like jogging and I did a long-run covering more than 10 km along a artificial waterway – not Read More

Incident at work

話不多說. 事發日期 2018 – Nov – 10 to 2018 -Nov -11 … 因為一連串 ERROR 又未被修正, 最後我工作的公司就出了INCIDENT. 要永遠記住呢種感覺…錯左要面對處分固然有麻煩, 但最難過的是事後的壓力, 即是做一些平日熟練的工作, 您卻有一種莫名奇妙的壓迫感, 這一次學會/發現受壓能力雖比以前高, 但係…AVIATION 就是不可錯…特別係上面! 在上面一個DECISION 都不可以MAKE 錯… 就算話係MCC…但係要永遠假設CAPTAIN 暈左(即係您老闆吾再幫到您) 您都要識LAND… 又或許個PM 做吾到MONITOR 的作用…您是PF …您就要會AVIATE…又再換個角色…想做PIC 或做得PIC… 咩春都要您咩…. 總之污點永遠在資料庫長存…ET645 …永遠警戒自己的錯! Read More

There is no best, only better!

It is time to write a new post as I have not update my ‘diary’ for 3 months. In the past few months, I have changed a lot. Rightly, I have been changed just less than a year. However, I am still clear about my goal! To think back 2015, I was getting lost and Read More

From Day to Night, From … to …

Sitting at a corner inside a herbal tea shop where was located in my living community. It’s time to type a new blog – sharing my recently life with you, keeping a record for reviewing in the future as well as making a reflection and practising my English writing. Why Tommy was drinking the “Chinese Coffee” rather Read More

Happy Chinese New Year – The year of rooster

“Good evening, how are u, may I come in?” I tried to show my courtesy to two cockpit crews. Perhaps I had no such kind of escort duty for months, or I felt happy about going for dinner with my family members. I was just like a tour guide who might tell you the local ritual or Read More

Connection- Communication, Situation Awareness, Working cycle, Cross Checking

首要多謝妹妹老妹帶回來的書~ “Hey, bro, may you share something about your duty? You said that you want to be a bus driver, didn’t you?” I was asked by my sister, who has just come back from foreign country yesterday. And her query encourage me to share a shameful story with my friends. Rightly, I want to record Read More

2016 – From layman to Rookie

Various great things have happened over the past 12 months. The awesome 10-hours flight experience in AFTC, Adelaide, South of Australia. Following by the acquisition of class 2 driving license and the vocation change in June also provide me different opportunities to meet many great mentors, friends and co-workers. I learned more about commercial airliners Read More

What I am cultivating

Before I step into an industry, I did not understand why the South Asian ethnic group passenger are common on the airport bus. Now, I know the answer. In the past, I thought that ULDs are broadly used on A320. However, the fact is that bulk is not uncommon on that narrow body aircraft. Rightly, what Read More

What have I learnt so far?

After graduated from the university, I am so luckily to acquaintance with some mentors and buddies who are inspiring me a lot – it is not only talking about the knowledge of aerodynamic but also the concept of teamwork spirit. I determine to be the driver although it need a period of time (or in Read More

The first 10 days in VHHH

After almost 10 days working in the real environment, I got the first trouble as well as had an important lesson. Before the starting of the story, I would like telling you that my duties and role in current position could be concluded in a simply words – facilitating in A/C turning around. However, I Read More

Good Evening Sir

“Good Evening Sir” , I said. “Good evening.” , the captain gave me a short but warm reply – It is the gift after I had been changed in the theory lessons for weeks. Although I am barely the small potato in the small city – a.k.a VHHH, I need to wear the uniform as well as facilitate the scheduled flight turning Read More
