Day 8 & Day9 : Road to be a RSO – means of access to and egress
Day 8: Keep learning everyday ; Practice makes perfect During the period of time in Taiwan (when I was still a student), I paid a lot of effort to improve my English. Now, in 2023, I have back my hometown for 8 years, I feel that there is room for improvement (always). I have a

Day 6 : Road to be a RSO – thanks for all who have been helping me (離地工作安全)
Today, the sky is gloomy! However, my mind is bright. After my graduation in 2015, I thought that I would enter an airline, but life is always full of uncertainty as well as opportunities. I feel sorry to my 師父! I wish that my 師父 will forgive my 任性~ I feel that the opportunity is

Day 5 : Road to be a RSO 過期既證書仲留黎做咩野??? — 證明書及報告的備存及展示 (證明書及報告的備存及展示)
The project of this construction site is not completed yet, but the tasks for current location have been finished and so we are awaiting for re-position. 一如以往,老總間中就中意清下垃圾,今次又係一樣,要扔左D過期既CERT…咩咩咩吾好同我講埋D咩法例,其實都吾知係我讀書吾夠熟定係佢覺得反正有咩冬瓜豆腐都比勞記入梗,定係佢覺得總公司有SOFT-COPY? ANY肥…管他… With reference to Cap59J 18C L-117 任何起重機械、鏈條、纜索或起重裝置的測試、檢驗或檢查的證明書及報告,不論有關的起重機械,鏈條、纜索或起重裝置是否仍然在使用中,必須備存於安全地方,並不得將該證明書或報告棄置,直至在擁有人收到下次測試、檢驗或檢查的證明書或報告之日起計 2 年後,或直至在其起重機械、鏈條、纜索或起重裝置被棄置之日起計 2 年後。 (1) 起重機械或任何鏈條、纜索或起重裝置的擁有人,須將就本規例規定的任何測試、檢驗或檢查而發出的證明書及報告備存於安全地方,並不得將該證明書或報告棄置,直至在擁有人收到下次測試、檢驗或檢查的證明書或報告(視屬何情況而定)之日起計2年後,或直至在其起重機械或任何鏈條、纜索或起重裝置被棄置之日起計2年後。 (1994年第23號法律公告) (2) 起重機械的擁有人須確保,有一份有關的最近期的證明書或報告的副本,於駕駛艙內或於該證明書或報告所涉及的設備上的其他顯眼地方,或於附近的顯眼地方展示。 (3) 不論有關的起重機械、鏈條、纜索或起重裝置是否仍然在使用中,第(1)款均適用。 (4) 起重機械或任何鏈條、纜索或起重裝置的擁有人,須在所有合理時間內,交出職業安全主任要求查閱的第(1)款規定擁有人必須備存的一切證明書或報告,以供職業安全主任查閱。 (1994年第23號法律公告;2000年第32號第48條) (5) 如職業安全主任提出書面要求,起重機械或任何鏈條、纜索或起重裝置的擁有人須在要求中所指明的期間(不少於7天)內,向該職業安全主任交付第(1)款規定該擁有人必須備存的任何證明書或報告的副本或摘錄。 (1994年第23號法律公告;2000年第32號第48條)

Day 3 : Road to be a RSO 鏈條不得打結以縮短長度 (chains shall not be shortened by tying knots )
Today, I am under the weather – running nose and soar throat. Luckily, we are going to move to new position. 每日學多一點點,其實做安全做做下都覺得自己口臭,因為工友好多野一係知照犯,一係根本吾知,但見前人做慣係感就跟。Well… Cap59J S18 1 (eb) chains shall not be shortened by tying knots in them and adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent injury to them from sharp edges; 鏈條不得打結以縮短長度,並須採取足夠的預防措施,以防止鏈條受鋒利邊緣所損; L-102 鏈條不得打結以縮短長度 Cap59J

Day 2 : Road to be a RSO – 帆布帶連接鉤 (Multiple slings 複式吊索)
Today, it is actually not the second day that I pursue for the RSO. However, I have just made a very heavy decision. You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. 今日到底用什麼相好呢? 其實不重要,因為每日番去都會影到好多不同的相,有好的也有壞的,但始終要保障番公司,所以有時就用人地D野做素材吧, 哈。我曾經服務過一個地盤老總,佢覺得我做安全就是搞慢佢既工程進度,當我嘗試再分享我讀書仔所知的一二就比人一句: 吾好同我講法例

有關平安卡 (綠卡)
都好一陣子沒有打blog(多數用左IG/FB),難得呢幾日特登放假去CIC上A12S同見緊工,就試下2023又開始記錄生活點滴。 Tutor : 大家有無唸過點解地盤要平安卡同A12S而工廠又吾洗? 如果您只係一般工友您可能會覺呢句無咩特別,但您做安全的就會覺呢句老是好似有點問題,那不如我們先重溫下職安健例… 參考第59章 《工廠及工業經營條例》 – Cap. 59 Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance ( 又或者我過去既post What’s Industrial Undertaking (工業經營), Factory (工廠), Notifiable Workplace (應呈報工場) ? – Tommy’s Diaries ( 在本條例中,除文意另有所指外 —— 工業經營 (industrial undertaking)包括 —— (a) 任何工廠; (b) 任何礦場或石礦場; (由1969年第4號第2條修訂) (c) 任何進行物品的製造、更改、清洗、修理、裝飾、精加工、出售前改裝、搗碎或拆除,或進行物料改變的工業,包括造船業; (d) 電力或任何種類動力的生產、變壓及輸送; (e) 任何建築工程; (由1973年第52號第2條代替) (f) 在任何船塢、埠頭、貨運碼頭、倉庫或機場裝卸或搬運貨品或貨物; (由1973年第52號第2條代替。由1977年第73號第2條修訂) (fa)
都快要入行1年多,今晚就拿起書本看看,又上DOJ的溫故知新。 首先,僱員跟工友是很類近的CONCEPT, 但又不完全相同 – 這是主要香港現時 (2022) 有關職安健的相關法規有兩大條例,N條子例 (N是很多的意思了)。!en-zh-Hant-HK?INDEX_CS=N 第509章 《職業安全及健康條例》 Cap. 509 Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance Section 2 條例的目的 本條例的目的是 —— (a) 確保在工作中的僱員的安全及健康; (b) 訂明會有助於使僱員的工作地點變得對該等僱員更加安全和健康的措施; (c) 改善適用於在工作地點使用或存放的若干危險工序、作業裝置及物質的安全及健康標準; (d) 一般地對僱員的工作環境的安全和健康方面作出改善。 基本上,”僱員” 是Cap. 282 [第282章 《僱員補償條例》] 之外,另一條有相關 “字眼” 的條例。 而Cap 509 適用的範圍是 “工作地點” : 這一點很重要! 要知 “工作地點”的定義就要好好看原文了。 第59章 《工廠及工業經營條例》 Cap. 59 Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance
What’s “Owner(擁有人)” in F&IU(SWP)R?
[Ref Cap 59AC] According to Cap.59AC Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Suspended Working Platforms) Regulation《工廠及工業經營( 吊船) 規例》: owner (擁有人), in relation to any suspended working platform, includes the lessee or hirer thereof, and any overseer, foreman, agent or person in charge or having the control or management of the suspended working platform, and the contractor who
Requirement on the “provision of first aid box or cupboard” and “Persons in charge of first aid box or cupboard” [5類型工作場所急救箱 (或急救櫃)及主管人要求]
[Ref Cap 59D, Cap 59K, Cap 59I, Cap 59F, Cap 509A] Summary: NW Container Handling Construction Site All others Quarries 急救箱或急救櫃 (*所有不足人數都Round-up) 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 59D 3(1)] 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 59K 12(1)] 只要 ≥ 5 人, 每 50名一個 [Cap. 59I 61(1)] 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 509A 18(1)(a)] – 急救箱或急救櫃 主管人 至少一 名
General duties (of Employers and Occupier) in OSHO (Cap.509 Sec 6 and 7)
[Ref Cap 509] According to Cap 509 Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance: 6. Employers to ensure safety and health of employees (1) Every employer must, so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the safety and health at work of all the employer’s employees. (2) The cases in which an employer fails to comply with subsection (1)
Testing, Examination and Inspection of Lifting Appliance
[Ref Cap.59J] 注意: 起重機械 (lifting appliance) 使用前先測試及檢驗是 Owner (擁有人) 的責任! According to Cap 59 J : 5. Lifting appliances to be tested and examined prior to use (使用前先測試及檢驗) The owner of a lifting appliance shall ensure that it is not used unless it has been thoroughly examined by a competent examiner at least once in the
“competent examiner” (合資格檢驗員) v.s “competent person” (合資格的人)
[Ref Cap.59AC, Cap.59J] With reference to Cap 59J: “competent examiner” (CE, 合資格檢驗員), in relation to the carrying out of any test and examination required by these regulations, means a person who is— (a) appointed by the owner required by these regulations to ensure that the test and examination is carried out; (L.N. 285 of 1993)
起重機械及起重裝置 (Cap 59J) v.s 負荷物移動機械 (Cap 59AG)
[Ref Cap 59J, Cap 59AG] According to Cap 59AG F&IU (LM) R : 2 Interpretation “loadshifting machine” (負荷物移動機) means a power-operated mobile machine of a type specified in the Schedule and which is operated by a person riding on the machine; Cap 59AG Schedule Loadshifting machines used in industrial undertakings— (a) a fork-lift truck. Loadshifting
Labelling requirements and exemption of dangerous substance in Cap59AB
[Ref Cap 59AB] According to Cap59AB 7 Exempt containers Regulations 5 and 6 do not apply to a container that— (a) is clearly labelled in English AND Chinese with particulars that are substantially the same as those prescribed by regulation 8 and that holds a substance that was supplied to the industrial undertaking in that
What’s “dangerous substance” (危險物質), “dangerous mixture” (危險混合物), “listed substance” (列載物質)?
[Ref Cap 59AB] “dangerous substance” (危險物質), “dangerous mixture” (危險混合物), “listed substance” (列載物質) are explained in Cap 59AB FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES) REGULATIONS “dangerous substance” (危險物質) means any substance that is a listed substance or a dangerous mixture; “listed substance” (列載物質) means any substance (whether or not a substance that is a preparation
Classification of Dangerous Substances in Cap59AB
[Ref Cap 59AB] According to Cap 59AB Schedule 2, there are 7 types of symbols of dangerous substances: Explosive Oxidizing Flammable Toxic Harmful Corrosive Irritant
Significance of “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營)
[Ref Cap 59AB] 在“What’s “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營) [工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例]?” 中知道左有6類場叩 “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營), 感點解要訂出呢D場所? 這就是 FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES) REGULATIONS 《工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例》的本意 – Cap 59AB 4: These regulations apply to any dangerous substance that is present in a specified industrial undertaking for the purpose of, in connection with, or as a result of,
What’s “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營) [工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例]?
[Ref Cap 59AB] “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營) means— (a) any factory, mine or quarry; and (b) any premises or place in which— (i) articles are manufactured, altered, cleansed, repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished; (ii) materials are transformed, including transformation in the course of shipbuilding; (iii) electricity or motive power of any
Working at height in Construction Site
[Ref Cap59I] According to Cap 59I CS(S)R, 38A Duty of contractor responsible for construction site to ensure safety of places of work (1) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Part, the contractor responsible for any construction site shall, so far as reasonably practicable— (a) identify the hazardous conditions of persons working at a
What are the “protective equipment” (防護設備) required for task involving electricity?
[Ref Cap.59W] According to FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (ELECTRICITY) REGULATIONS: “protective equipment” (防護設備) includes any insulating stands, screens, portable or otherwise, mats and covers and insulating boots, gloves or other protective equipment provided and maintained under regulation 20 or 21(1), as the case may be; Summary 根據F&IUO 同電力有關的子例,做同電有關的工作所要求既protective equipment” (防護設備)包括: insulating stands 絕緣架 insulating screens