Category: My Diaries

What have I learnt so far?

After graduated from the university, I am so luckily to acquaintance with some mentors and buddies who are inspiring me a lot – it is not only talking about the knowledge of aerodynamic but also the concept of teamwork spirit. I determine to be the driver although it need a period of time (or in Read More

The first 10 days in VHHH

After almost 10 days working in the real environment, I got the first trouble as well as had an important lesson. Before the starting of the story, I would like telling you that my duties and role in current position could be concluded in a simply words – facilitating in A/C turning around. However, I Read More

Good Evening Sir

“Good Evening Sir” , I said. “Good evening.” , the captain gave me a short but warm reply – It is the gift after I had been changed in the theory lessons for weeks. Although I am barely the small potato in the small city – a.k.a VHHH, I need to wear the uniform as well as facilitate the scheduled flight turning Read More

Taiwan Trip 2016

The planned gradation trip,with my bro! 20160603 – it was a sunny and scorching hot Friday. After I was off-duty as well as took my little baggage from my home, I got onboard the airport bus with relaxing and joyful mood. I waited the moment for more than 6 six years. In 2009, my best Read More

The Driving lesson – All about safety and experience 

  All above driving is Safety! No matter how much passion do you have, you are not a good driver if you are careless. From the HR point of view, it may be the fatal error that you can be failed. It is same as driving the big jet. If you want to drive the MINI Read More

AFTC Training Day 1 (From HKG to ADL)

2016/03/26 Good Friday,  Passion  (typed in HKG airport) Passion (from the Greek verb πασχωmeaning to suffer) is a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something. “Checklist completed” I whispered (to myself).  After I have come back to Hong Kong since last August. I can embark Read More

One Life Experience

Dear my friends, 2016-03-20 The performance may be reduced due to the high relative humidity in the damp night. However, I feel that it’s not a big deal since I have learnt how to make a wisdom decision as a pilot point of view – of coz,  I start from “ab initio” – there are much Read More

Always memorize my mentor – Dr. Cheung

2016 – the first blog for a grief news – the cease of Dr. Cheung – the founder of Everygreen Group. In the past 4 years, I met many people in Taiwan. Dr. Cheung is one of the most impressive predecessor that I have studies. No need to say too much his impact to the globe aviation Read More

2015-12-06 In a cold Sunday evening, It is a fabulous option to stay at home having dinner with my parents. In contrast, I stepped out from home as well as went to the school where I have studied there for few months. Somehow, it is akin to a year as every day was full with Read More

2015-12-05 Rainy day is not that bad

In a raining afternoon, the sky is overcast and covered with layers of cloud. Although it is chilled and damp outside, it cannot bother my family gathering in a Chinese-style restaurant (茶樓). I have just leaved early than my parents and aunt. Somehow, I do enjoy the meal with them but I also want to Read More

2015-11-07 The First Flight – Fail in the competent test

Today, I am so happy to seat inside the cockpit of C152 with my instructor, who is an amiable and well-trusted tutor. Rightly, he had never rejected any question during the training or even give me to determine his life and death – Of course I won’t overvalue my ability – You have control – Read More

Checklist and Improvement~

2015.10.31 I have back Hong Kong for 3 months as well as have been working for 2 months. Rightly, I am not working since what I obtain from the job is far more than I contribute to it. Recall the admonish from my instructors in HKU Space, they told me (us) that I(we) have to write Read More

The first month in office

Since the last “diary” approximately a month ago, I have time to type a new one eventually as it is day-off tomorrow. The reason why I opt to launch a new post is that today is wonderful and memorable. I have been working in this “company” for a month and everything seems to be on track – Read More

The first week in office

2015/09/05 As a bioengineering-based graduate, it is a little “nonsense” that I am working in the IT department as well as deal with admin jobs. After the first week have just been past, I am going to face the more challenging week 2 when I work at daytime and go back to campus as a Read More

Life-long Learning: 人生是不斷修正的過程~

2015.09.01 I have come back Hong Kong almost a month. Rightly, as a fresh graduate, without any working experience as well as not the “first-hon” graduate, it is very difficult to seek for even an interview here. Fortunately, my boss choose to believe in me and offer an excellent position to me so that I Read More

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