溫故知新之咩叫 懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」/「飛棚」)
懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」)是竹棚架 的一種。吊棚一般以狗臂架結構承托,是從樓宇或構築物外牆伸出的懸空結構,而整個棚架全靠現存樓宇或構築物作支撐。 常見的懸空式竹棚架是由以 3 顆繫穩螺絲垂直安裝的金屬托架從底部承托(下稱「一般 懸空式竹棚架」)。 2024 年職安知識您要知: 勞工處已出版更新的「竹棚架工作安全守則」 Reference: https://www.oshc.org.hk/oshc_data/files/greencross/2024/GXAPR-JUN2024-05.pdf https://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/public/pdf/os/D/TOS_Guidance_notes_tc.pdf
如何做用Australia legislation search
https://www.legislation.gov.au 經過慘痛經驗 終算有個小心得。 話說我要搵 CAO 20.4 有關oxygen usage 既requirement, 原來關鍵字要咁樣: civil aviation order 20.4 civil aviation order 20.11 如此類推
Brake chamber – Service chamber vs Spring chamber
https://youtu.be/exj6hz2cZds?si=JAFZh-B-3ufJ3EhH https://youtu.be/A8kQ-vABYQ4?si=qZIlAoOJ7HEf34KS
How Air Brakes Work ?
https://youtu.be/twuO2tsuNKo?si=x-O9COMQhN_N5L5n https://youtu.be/dMxilatT0qw?si=Li_H8RB38PvDah_w
Learn something everyday: 到底咩係「巴士總站」
最近做野關係,無意中又發現一本有趣既manual,lunchtime 有時間就kill 下time 😬 Today topic: what is Bus Terminal? Public Transport Interchange (PTI)? Reference : TRANSPORT PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL (TPDM) https://www.td.gov.hk/en/publications_and_press_releases/publications/tpdm/index.html VOLUME 9 – Public Transport 2.7.2 巴士線總點站(Service terminal point) : can be in three forms 1. BT – e.g TSC 2. PTI – e.g 香園圍 3. off-street lay-by – e.g B7, 116 總站 Off-street lay-by service
[Eng] 瞓捩頸 Stiff neck = Sprained neck
Ref : https://www.bastillepost.com/hongkong/article/1524305-「瞓捩頸」苦不堪言 As a part time BC, I would like to share the types of minor illnesses that can affect the safety of our operations. Gastro related illnesses can be prevented by cooking food thoroughly and not eating raw food, such as oyster, sushi etc. However, this morning, a stiff neck (sprained neck) reminded
Cathay Group – the business
The Cathay Group comprises of below businesses: Cathay Pacific Airway – premium full-service airline, and Cargo service Hong Kong Express Airways Limited (“HK Express”) – low-cost airline AHK Air Hong Kong Limited (“Air Hong Kong”) Cathay Pacific Services Limited (CPCL) Cathay Pacific Catering Services (H.K) Limited (“CPCS”) Hong Kong Airport Services Limited (“HAS”) Vouge Laundry
Static wick Static wicks, also called static dischargers or static discharge wicks, are devices used to remove static electricity from aircraft in flight. They take the form of small sticks pointing backwards from the wings, and are fitted on almost all civilian aircraft.
[Non-official article] Which Routes Feature Cathay Pacific First Class?
Reference Which Routes Feature Cathay Pacific First Class? – One Mile at a Time
Safety Culture
Not talking about advertisement, focus on the philosophy – it is why aviation is the safest transportation. These clips are full of vision and insights. Indeed, they remind me in what reasons I am passionate in aviation industry and OSH sector!
What’s Trough of Low 「低壓槽」?
Ref https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/education/weather/wind-and-pressure/00117-introduction-to-air-pressure-part-ii.html A trough of low pressure is an extended area of low pressure. On the weather chart, it has associated with it a trough line. The pressure there is lower than that at neighbouring points on either side of the trough line. Monsoon low pressure v.s Tropical cyclone
https://www.flightglobal.com/cathay-etops-okay/10579.article The timestamp of this article disclosed that CX A330 has already obtained ETOPS 120 in 1996. https://simpleflying.com/etops-banned-areas/ This article gave us some background information about ETOPS, and told us one of the reasons why B747 was popular in 1980s: Before 1985, all twin aircraft had to remain within 60 minutes of a suitable diversion airport. This
Any formula to proof that local speed of sound decrease with altitude increases?
Reference: POE – AI Yes, there are formulas that can help explain why the local speed of sound decreases with higher altitude. The speed of sound is determined by the properties of the medium through which it travels, such as temperature, pressure, and density. One important formula is the adiabatic equation of state for an
職安健創新及科技博覽 2024 Day 2
On the day 2 of the expo, I suddenly had an idea coming out from my mind. Why not practicing my English listening skill. The organizer provided interpretation service. I borrowed the head-phone and the portable device, then I started my learning. Below are the canned sentence that I can use in the future for
職安健創新及科技博覽 2024
所謂讀萬卷書 不如行萬理路 非常感謝公司又比機會我參加職安健活動 好老實 比平日番工累 可能始終都仲係未習慣出席呢d 場合 但真係一個福份 因為做安全幾年 講黎講去都係例,講反講去都係information instructions training and supervision, 感覺好似比政府部門洗腦咁 今日出席呢個活動算係腦震盪一下,雖然我本身吾打算去,但既然公司出錢 我點都不要浪費! What’s it – about the expo? It is hold by the OSHC and co-organised by various organisations, including the government departments, safety equipment companies, start-ups, college students and even secondary students. Some of these participants are paid for
Every day is a new day
今日好開心 因為我記得上年初初黎到就合併 當時大大大老細 (one of Tommy’s role model) 就開了呢條線載客 https://www.hkitalk.net/HKiTalk2/thread-2172455-1-1.html 我今日終於都有幸揸到呢條線! 仲要係特別班次,係呢到我要非常感謝我同門師兄 吾係佢比我跟車學野 我今日吾會咁平安,當然其他道路使用者都要多謝 😊 總算又處男開P 仲要8P 😂 講完笑就認真 今日其實爆左穫,其他A仔係點我吾知,但我吾應該係咁,因為我目標不只是A仔,更不單止是Safety officer,我更想做一個好的Second Officer as well as future Captain! 可一不可再,下次再call meeting, send 完email add one more procedure : cross check recipient list against name list in agenda!