Cloud Base v.s Cloud Ceiling
A cloud base refers to the lowest visible part of the clouds over the station. A cloud ceiling refers to the distance between the ground or water and the base of the lowest layer of clouds, which must form a cloud cover that blankets more than half of the sky below 20,000 feet. Read More –
What’s Sea Breeze and Land Breeze?
NWS JetStream – The Sea Breeze ( Sea breeze and Land breeze are kind of convective current Day time 地球吸熱是greenhouse effect Night time 地球放熱是radiation cooling The sea breeze circulation is composed of two opposing flows; one at the surface (called the sea breeze) and one aloft (which is a return flow). These two
Sunrise, Sunset and Rainbow, Northern lights (aurora borealis)
Why sunsets organge? Ans: Scattering effect! How are rainbows formed? – Met Office How Are Rainbows Formed? | Royal Meteorological Society ( Northern lights – Met Office
Aircraft Tyre : basic things you need to know!
How to change aircraft tyres? What type of gas are used for modern jetliners? Why aircraft’s tyres have no groove, but have straight profiles?
What’s Microbust?
Read more – Turbulence v.s Wind Shear – Tommy’s Diaries (
What’s Solar insolation?
The weather on our mother earth is starting from the energy of the sun. So, how the energy of sun can reach the earth? To more specific, weather is basically the result of temperature differences! Another useful footage for us to learn about the basic background of temperature difference on the earth Read more –
What’s Trough of Low 「低壓槽」?
Ref A trough of low pressure is an extended area of low pressure. On the weather chart, it has associated with it a trough line. The pressure there is lower than that at neighbouring points on either side of the trough line. Monsoon low pressure v.s Tropical cyclone
Landing gear – how modern jetliner landing gear work?
“Oleo Pneumatic Shock Absorber Strut” – it is used on modern jetliner landing gear (e.g B777, A350). Read More – Thx Captain Joe! Gravity Extension of landing gear Why is the landing gear tilted? What’s Nose wheel steering?
How the landing gear locked at down position?
Ans: Over center mechanism – a.k.a overcentre geometric lock