One Life Experience
Dear my friends,
There is no better way for greeting, isn’t it. Tonight, it is great that I can go back to campus again after I have started to work as a member in Flight Ops since July. Time is passing, always! Everything is happening liken to blinking my eyes. Originally, I tried to close my eyes as well as active the ‘sleep mode’, but it may be such an exciting night for
me. I have just read my old blog articles, and I don’t want to miss any chance to record my changing, growing as well as feeling.
In the past, Now, In the future – what am I looking for?
Simply, I am chasing my ideal job – to be a commercial pilot, no matter in the past, now and in the future! To be honest, I have no confident to confess this guilty notion in front of my boss, both current one or the old one.
What was your last occupation?
There are various intriguing questions asking from a captain during a chatting in the cockpit – awaiting for the refueling commencing. His curiosity do help waking me up. Rightly, his little queries make me being true to myself tonight.
Briefly to recall the conversation after he raised the question …. I was an IT technician in a primary school locating in vicinity of my living community. (Why you chose to working there?) Well, I could spend time to take various aviation related course because the duty time is stable – 0815 to 1730 for Monday to Friday and 0900 to 1300 at Saturday,
but I had only worked for approximately ten months, then I have started my journey in airport. (So, what is your major during your school time?) Ha ha ha, I studied in a totally different realm during the university period. My major was Molecular Sci. A material-based faculty. (Why you come to working in this field now?) Hahaha, I want to be a pilot! (I did admit my devil idea in front of the Korean Cap.) …Then he further asked – is it hard to
be a pilot in Hong Kong? Um…
Of coz, there is a little frame of period about our chatting..albeit, what I am reflecting tonight is : original feeling (in the past), the feeling after step into aviation industry as a ground traffic (now) and prospect the future
Why I want to be pilot?
To be pilot, or chasing to be a commercial pilot is not a dream anymore although it was! I am not sure when, if not before working in this company – I want to achieve my goal! I don’t treat it a dream because of the nature of job duty and responsibility. It is not make sense to ask pilot to manipulate the big machine as well as the passenger life, or the
safety of En route environment even in case of freighter. A regional pilot may suffer from accumulate fatigue while the long-haul airman may locked in jet lag dead-loop. Also, working in altitude plus countless unforeseen uncertainty. That consume lot of mental energy as well as adding pressure to the airman. It seems that not being a pilot may be a better option. However, those geek like me may have the opposite thinking.
Life is (should) full of challenging! If there is no difficulty, our life will become tedious and pale. After working in the airport for barely five months, I feel more and more comfortable working in unforeseen condition. Every time I come cross problem as well as series issues, I may need to re-deploy and/or request all on-spot and/or remote resource to kill the dilemma. After handle as well as slove every trouble cases, what my feeling is happy. Learn more because of trouble.
I do believe that working on the mid-air may have ten-fold or even thousand times pressure, particularly I am one of the human beaning “flying” in the sky. Once fly, no way to hide or go to die – no way to stop except landing.
Performance based, targets and goals is clear, quantitative, qualitative. I enjoy the sense of achievement with a decent remuneration, benefit package. Last but not least, if not putting the cargo freighter into account (I have no preference, just treat the following point as bonus) – the cockpit crew have lots of attentive ladies and gentlemen back them up. I cannot think any refusing reason for giving up my ideal profession in the coming future.