Korea Trip 2019 – Day 3-5
Seoul is the largest city of Korea, followed by Busan. Jeju is a renowned island for tour visiting, but it is not a city rightly. By the
way, have you ever heard Military Demarcation Line (三八線), which separate the republic of Korea (a.k.a South Korea) and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (a.k.a North Korea). To me, it sounds quite interesting that I can learn some Korean history from the local tour guide.
The professional tour guide shared to us that the boundary line is defined well before 南北韓戰爭 when the former Soviet Union and the USA
arrived this peninsula.
Now, the current South Korea is smaller than the North Korea though, the population in total is more than the north one, with around
51 billions. This country’s three sides are facing Japan, Taiwan and the Mainland China while there are four “gates” in Seoul – which are
named in the four direction – the East-, South-, West- and the North-gate.
The speaking skill of the “阿 just C” are exceptional, I have forgotten in what way he changed from the “history of 三八線” to the
festivals that Korean citizen celebrate – “Traditional Chinese New Year?”, “Ching-Ming festival”, “dragon-boat festival” and “Mid-Autumn
festival”. The last one mentioned is the most important in their culture. During the mid-autumn festival, it is not unusual to see them
wearing the traditional Korean clothes and they tend to go hometown to have gathering. In other word, please avoid to go Korean at this
festival, otherwise you should expect a lot of closed shops.
By demonstrating his communication skill, he shift the topic aging – “Have any one known the mascot of Korea?…Alright, let me give you
some hints – not pig, not dragon.” What a humorous guide that I have ever seen.
The mascot of Korea is bear as the dragon in the China. The myth is that bear and tiger wanted to be a human, provided that “they” have to
eat raw garlic for 100 days, but only the bear could meet the target. After the bear transform to be the first human of Korea, she married
with the son of the god and gave born to a baby called “太君”.
Then, he continued the history and myths of Korea during the journey on the coach. In the past, there are “三國” – 高句麗, 百濟,新羅.
Later, the country was unified as “高麗” and started having trading partnership with western countries – from that time on, people have
already known 高麗 (Korea).
Speaking of Korea, the Korean Ceramic (高麗陶瓷 ) is famous, but Korean Ginseng (高麗人蔘) seems to be more popular for some visitors,
perhaps it is because of its
function to our health. Now, the government have given instruction to the tour guide that they shall give introduction to us as well as
bring us to those outlet, they won’t force us buying though.
Before the forming of “高麗”, ginseng (人蔘) was not existing, but when more and more citizens learn the benefit of using “野蔘” as an
ingredient in meal, they have started to plant it broadly when is the time we have ginseng “人蔘”. Now, believe it or not, most Korean
ginseng is planted in the fields near the 三八線 where the soil and environment is suitable for the growing. Be noticed that ginseng should
not be planted under the sun or too much water. “梯田種法” is the most common way to produce ginseng.
Ginseng’s functional component are those enzymes. Perhaps you may have heard that “千年人蔘”, but it is not the best one, according to the
tour guide as well as the sales. Generally speaking, there are 6 types of ginseng in the market. The age from one to six years old. One
more branch and five more leaves will develop in every additional growing year. So, a one years old ginseng should have one branch and five
leaves ; two years old should have two branches and ten leaves…
In Korea, the one years old ginseng tend not to be sold and the best one is 6 years old ginseng. Also, the have developed a classification
system – “天地良切尾”, when 天 refers to 6 years old product and 地 refers to 5 years old product and so on. Moreover, we have been taught
that “水蔘滲酒; 紅蔘熱氣要看體質 ; 太極蔘不會出口只會內銷,但老笑佳宜 – 韓國太極蔘有37 種enzyme,而6年,既天字太整蔘更是蔘中之寶”. Three
more important points are: 1) you should not have ginseng when you have a temperature. 2) 白蘿白不要跟蔘混食,否則破氣使之功效失去,而韓國
人夏天食人蔘 (而非冬天) 3) “正蔘” shall be shipped as check-in baggage.
Enough! I think that I have relayed to much about his speech on ginseng, it is time to share some about the modern Seoul.
Before I start the new topic about the modern city that I have just visited, do you know what is the national flower of Korea? The answer
is Mugunghwa (無窮花/牡丹), which has been beloved by the Korean people as a symbol of Korea. It carries the meaning of “flowers that
blooms for eternity and never dies”.
Alright, now, let us learn something about Seoul and I will share some of my feeling about there.
Seoul has an average temperature of 33-40 C in a typical summer. However, the air conditioning system in Korea suppose only to be opened
when temperature is at 25C or above while of which temperature should be controlled at or above 25C. Therefore, it is not unusual to hear
that some visitors give complain about that.
As a foreigner, we should noticed that there are 4 major regions divided in Seoul – 江西 (舊的金蒲機場), 江北 (市政府及市中心), 江東 and
江南. All these regions use the Han River (漢江) as a reference point. Now sure if you have heard the song or the terms “江南style” few
years ago. Actually, 江南區 is the region among four where has lot of rich people and posh building.
Through listening to the tour guide’s sharing, I also have learnt that more than a hundred of university in Korea. The top four are 首爾,
現世, 高麗 and 梨花.
Nowadays, citizen in Korea are not easy to find a decent job. It is particularly true if people don’t hold a degree. Few years ago, Hong
Kong people might have heard that bring up a children is costing 4 million Hong Kong dollar. In Korea, it costs around 7 million (in HKD)
recently. The expenditure for a child in an average year at uni is around 140 thousands (in HKD). Generally speaking, a tour guide can earn
20 thousands (in HKD) per month – you can imagine the burden there. However, parents have got to pay it since the degree is the threshold
criteria to find a position in a better cooperate.
Education background is not enough – Korean pay attention on the outlook. To me, this mindset is partly correct since I think that first
impression is counted, but I cannot stand if we look thing from surface. Indeed, most citizen in Korea received plastic surgery – it’s part
of the culture.
Happy time is always passing swiftly. To be honest, I cannot understand the moral values of my father – he is a miser and he acts miserly.
Another non-perfect space is that my sister does not join this family trip – I cannot have my own photographer. I, however, am thankful
that I can savor my time with my family.
To me, it is also a great opportunity to wide my horizon! Although I had not learnt any Korean language. I enter the classroom and have
some practice with my teachers there. People knows me might have already known that I enjoy learning some foregin language particular when
I am travelling. This time has no exception! In the past, I barely wrote on small paper, but I slightly change my way this time – I am
going to make it as part of my journey record, below are some of my notes:
Welcome – 換(國語) yong hum me ta
What do you want-
珠 (國語) moon ha seat gag sim meet 家
Hot – 得cop ta
Ice – 差cop ta
Ice latte na 華 sim me dar
飲管 – Buy there
刀 – 開
差 – fork
Spoon – shot gar拿
Salt – 梳gum
Key 沙 slim = 司機
On door ra = 塔塔米 = 訓地
Ha li o ha sa yo
Ha sa yo 是敬語
Com sa ha me da
Ha me da 是敬語
Ar 街市 – miss
Ar draw屎 – mr
Ar 豬媽/ 耳more – aunt
Ar 豬公 – uncle
廁紙 – true 支
水 – mul / 霧(國語)
請給我 – true say all
火 – poor
稍為 – 中/重
更多- tall
靚女 – 一包藥 (國語音)/ yep 波喲
靚仔 – 無慈鎖喲
How much is it – 我 ma 耶喲
平d la? – 沙ge 沙ge yo
洗手間 – 化妝室 (國語音便可)
Where is – 我d爺yo
名片 – Ming ham
收據 – 楊書證 (國語音)
Sorry – chur 鬆ha me da/ li han ha me da
不好意思 – 超(國語) geer yo
Can u help me – 朵花 ju say yo
美味的 – 馬seat da
我要結帳 – 騎沙ni yo/騎沙hea jay yo
我食飽了 – 柴mo 哥 柯屎ni da
I am not intellegent enough to learn language, but learning some in foreign country sounds to be fairly intriguing! Although I go there
through a tour package to Korea, I have free time to explore the city. I have learnt few words that could be quite useful:
매운 辣
나트륨 鈉
당류 糖份
소고기/쇠고기 Beef
새우 Shrimp
우유 Milk
닭고기 Chicken
돼지 고기 Pork
땅콩 Peanut
게 Crab
원산지 原產地
대한민국 Republic of Korea
한국 韓國
국내산 / 국산 國內
한국산 韓國產
서울 Seoul
Believe it or not, it is quite common to find these words on the food label. Rightly, you might need these words when you are going to have shopping or make an order in local restaurant.
Recent years, I feel happiness that I can have a regular trip. Now, when I go to a new place, I have started to compare the city to my hometown or other cities that I have been. This time, after I have stayed here for few days. I found that places here are similar to the Taiwan in certain degree, perhaps both have been colonized by the Japanese for years – you can feel the color of Japan – the Japanese style. No offense, I have to emphasize that the older citizen, including the tour guide, don’t really like the Japan because of the history.
Back to the sharing about the city, what could be the most visiting place as a visitor or even a citizen? Convenience store! In Seoul, you can see lot of “CU” and “GS25”. Of course, you can find the 7-11. However, it is quite interesting that you can only find the Americano or Espresso if you want a cup of fresh coffee. I mean, in Taiwan or Hong Kong, you might find latte in some stores, but I have not seen that in Seoul.
Apart from pretty girls, ginseng, plastic surgery, cosmetic commodities are famous in Korea. This time, I can see quite a lot branches of a brand named “OLIVE YOUNG”. I evaluate it as the “萬寧” or “屈臣氏” in Hong Kong.
This trip in Seoul, I visited various coffee shops as well. Somehow, it is one of the goals in my bucket list. I reviewed my expenditure list – I have visited more than 10 coffee shops but I have only drunk 8 cups of latte in these 5 days. Some of these are small but cozy cafe while others are chain-store. All these 8 cups of coffee get different marks but there is only one small cafe demonstrated the latte art on my cup of joe. I feel quite disappointed but I discover other interesting things. First, I found the smoking room in a small cafe that I visited. This is what a thoughtful idea. Second, I found that Starbucks seems not to be the only chain coffeehouse in Seoul – there are “Angel-in-us”, “Caffe Bene”, “EDIYA coffee”, “Paris Baguette”, “Tom n toms coffee” etc. Personally, I give the Angel-in-us the highest score in terms of the coffee quality. Third, I am f***ing happy that I can find “night club” that suit me – there are quite a lot of 24 opening coffeehouse in Seoul. You cannot only see and chat with those hot lady (provided that you know their language), it is also a place for designer and student – what a cool place for visitor as well.
Last but not least, I have almost forgotten to share the “T-money card” to you. “T-money card” is an IC card/smart card/chip card (whatever you call it), which is non-refundable. It is used in public transportation and convenience store – it is something similar to the Octopus (in Hong Kong), EasyCard (in Taiwan), Oyster Card (in London); Indeed, most of the chains coffeehouse have their own member card – the concept similar to the one of Starbucks card.
All good things must come to an end, but we made many good memories.
旅行多了, 自己亦做過航空業地上前線, 現在更是服務行業的前線一員, 我十分明白安全是我們首要給客人的, 但要做到基本外, 還附上額外的真誠, 細心這卻是有工作熱誠才做到, 我十分十分感謝我這回遇上一組專業的團隊 – 星晨旅遊. 當然我不得不多謝前公司的同仁及一班機組人員. 我要努力! 這是目標 這是態度 這是這次旅程的終結.