Day: September 7, 2024

Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors (WMO)

Home | International Cloud Atlas ( 一個學雲既官方網頁~ Read More

點樣決定掛8號波? (天文台測風站)

Ref 發出3號和8號信號的參考指標|香港天文台(HKO)|熱帶氣旋 Information at 2024 Sept   Read More

What’s adiabatic?

Reference Adiabatic process – Wikipedia No heat transfer (= heat does not enter or leave the system) A type of thermodynamic process that occurs without transferring heat or mass between the thermodynamic system and its environment. Read More

What’s Anabatic wind , Katabatic wind?

Ref Anabatic Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety, Katabatic Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety   Air flow travelling up a facing slope of an orographic surface (eg. hill, mountain). A cold flow of air travelling down an orographic slope (eg. hill or mountain).   Please be reminded that Katabatic wind does not heat up adiabatically! 而Anabatic Read More
