Month: August 2024

CX Routes

Europe     France Paris CET/UTC+1 CEST/ UTCs+2 HKG-CDG CX261 77W 5187 NM FT: 13:15 STD:  2350LT STA: 0735LT   CDG-HKG CX260 77W 5187 NM FT: 11:15 STD:  1210LT STA: 0615LT   Germany Frankfurt CET/UTC+1 CEST/ UTCs+2 HKG-FRA CX289 359/35K 4952 NM FT: 12:40 STD:  2355LT STA: 0715LT   FRA-HKG CX288 359/35K 4952 NM FT: Read More

ILS – Instrument Landing System

ILS (Instrument Landing System) is used for precision approach, particular useful for low visibility condition and/or bad weather.   Component of ILS Localizer Glide slope Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) or Marker Beacons Runway lights 留意飛機方向!!! Function of each components: Localizer Guide the aircraft to the centerline of the runway (lateral guidance) Glide slope Guide the Read More

CX749 CX748

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CX844 CX843

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CX812 CX811

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CX806 CX801

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CX892 CX873

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CX884 CX881

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Constant Speed Propeller, Constant Speed Control Unit(CSU)

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Adverse Yaw

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Safety regarding mountain flying (山坡/山嶺飛行安全須知)

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Why Do Airplanes Avoid Flying Over The Himalayas?

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CX888 CX865

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CX826 CX829

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CX259 CX216

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CX251 CX252

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CX383 CX382

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CX315 CX372

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CX318 CX321

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CX270 CX271

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