Turn Coordinator (TC) vs Turn and Slip Indicator (TI)
May 5, 2024
Type of gyro used in TC and TI? Ans: Horizontal gyro – rotate around horizontal axis! The major difference between TC and TI? The gimbal that holds the gyro in a TC is tilted for 30 degree. Turn Coordinator: ✔ rate of turn (yaw) ✔ roll rate (bank) Turn Indicator: ✔ rate
Generator v.s Alternator
May 2, 2024
Also Ref. https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2020/05/difference-between-alternator-generator.html/amp 不要中毒太深 睇下好喇 For PPL and even CPL, basically, generator and alternator are the same thing…. Main Differences between Alternator and Generator Alternator: A machine that only converts mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. Generator: can generate either of both Alternating current AC or Direct Current “DC”.