Service ceiling v.s Absolute altitude
Service ceiling 指飛機無再多MAP for climb; Critical altitude 指turbocharged engine 發揮最大壓縮空氣能力既高度 As a normally aspirated aircraft climbs, it eventually reaches an altitude where the MAP is insufficient for a normal climb. This altitude limit is known as the aircraft’s service ceiling Critical altitude is the maximum altitude at which a turbocharged engine can produce its rated
Six pack
Reference: Six pack: is a terms referring the six basic instruments that a pilot must know! From the top, on the most left is the Airspeed indicator (ASI), the Attitude indicator (AI) is in the middle, and the Altimeter (Alt) on the right At the bottom, on the most left is the Turn coordinator
What’s Wing Camber, What’s Chord line?
What’s Wing Camber? Ans: curvature of the aerofoil (wing) maximum distance between the mean camber line and the chord line Mean camber line : imaginary line equidistance between the upper and lower surface of the wing, joining from the leading edge to trailing edge. What’s Chord line? Ans: imaginary line joining from the
Learn from mistake: American Airlines Flight 965
Swiss cheese model – 爆穫吾會只係衰一樣 … The Swiss cheese model is not uncommon to be used to explain accident causation. Many layers of defense are set, it seems to be a swiss cheese. However, the inner layers of a swiss have holes. What if an imagine line can be form by connecting all holes, the
Why Second Officer usually assigned for long-haul flight?
點解SO 多數飛15個中或以上既機? First of all, what is long-haul, short haul? Taking reference from aviation related websites, there is no consistent definition. However, I have tried to understand why CX need the SO for the so-called long hour flights – 仲要係 ‘Ultra Long Range Operations’ (ULR). The reasons is complying to CAD 371 –
CAD 54 – PILOT LICENCES AND ASSOCIATED RATINGS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT CAD has three part: Part One General Part Two Private Pilot’s Licences and Instructor Ratings Part Three Professional Pilot’s Licences CAD 54 actually is the syllabubs of the cadet program~ What I am expecting myself to achieve as a candidate ? What I am expecting to learn as a cadet pilot? CAD 54
Pilot Licences
HKCAD – Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department Pilot Licences We need to prepare our self to be competent as an airline crew with various requirements at different stage, although the CX application page concludes in 6 points briefly: A Hong Kong Permanent resident Graduated from secondary school with good passes in English language, Mathematics
點樣知機場QNH? 點樣知Local Pressure? How to know the QNH? How to know local pressure?
今日上完堂再唸左成個下午先好D 通左D, 所以一定要記底佢…小喇叭, 呢個Concept 好難明! Anyway, mark 低佢先! Reading (in feet) = (Set QNH – Actual pressure level) * 30 For example, if the aerodrome is 30 feet Elevation and 當時QNH是1013, then Reading (in feet) = (Set QNH – Actual pressure level) * 30 30 = ( 1013 – Actual pressure level )* 30 30/30
News cutting : Latam Airlines Boeing 787 En-route incident
Source: SCMP “My neighbour who was in the seat two over from me (係我隔離兩個位), there was a gap in between us, as soon as I woke I looked, and he was on the ceiling and I thought I was dreaming,” Brian Adam Jokat said. The New Zealand accident investigator said Chilean authorities had confirmed they
News cutting : Hiking related
Source: SCMP Hundreds of Hong Kong trekking enthusiasts (徒步旅行愛好者) embarked on a free and guided hike in neighbouring Shenzhen on Sunday, as part of its ongoing efforts to attract tourists from the city by arranging cross-border activities. About 400 hikers from Hong Kong braved the rain (冒著雨) to gather at 9.30am near the cross-border checkpoint

職安健創新及科技博覽 2024 Day 2
On the day 2 of the expo, I suddenly had an idea coming out from my mind. Why not practicing my English listening skill. The organizer provided interpretation service. I borrowed the head-phone and the portable device, then I started my learning. Below are the canned sentence that I can use in the future for

職安健創新及科技博覽 2024
所謂讀萬卷書 不如行萬理路 非常感謝公司又比機會我參加職安健活動 好老實 比平日番工累 可能始終都仲係未習慣出席呢d 場合 但真係一個福份 因為做安全幾年 講黎講去都係例,講反講去都係information instructions training and supervision, 感覺好似比政府部門洗腦咁 今日出席呢個活動算係腦震盪一下,雖然我本身吾打算去,但既然公司出錢 我點都不要浪費! What’s it – about the expo? It is hold by the OSHC and co-organised by various organisations, including the government departments, safety equipment companies, start-ups, college students and even secondary students. Some of these participants are paid for

Every day is a new day
今日好開心 因為我記得上年初初黎到就合併 當時大大大老細 (one of Tommy’s role model) 就開了呢條線載客 我今日終於都有幸揸到呢條線! 仲要係特別班次,係呢到我要非常感謝我同門師兄 吾係佢比我跟車學野 我今日吾會咁平安,當然其他道路使用者都要多謝 😊 總算又處男開P 仲要8P 😂 講完笑就認真 今日其實爆左穫,其他A仔係點我吾知,但我吾應該係咁,因為我目標不只是A仔,更不單止是Safety officer,我更想做一個好的Second Officer as well as future Captain! 可一不可再,下次再call meeting, send 完email add one more procedure : cross check recipient list against name list in agenda!
Why “Fly to low, watch below ; High to cold, watch below” ?
Ref Ace the technical pilot interview 2/E Ans: Always remember : aneroid barometer is working based on MSL pressure (i.e pressure height) ! 1. FL formula Flight Level (Pressure Height) in feet = Height @ QNH + (1013 – QNH) * 30 Example: Now say 300 feet @ 1025 PH = 300

真係好耐無約飛機友 非常 非常感謝您們賞面食飯 今晚真係獲益良多多謝您地既問題 我會試著 再 open minded, 家下還是stuck 左係死胡同 , well 書係要讀 但讀完仲要識用 , 吾簡單 , 都總結下今日學左咩先:重溫 Aviate Navigate Communicate ;Power + Attitude = Performance注意事項: think before speaking out during interview;Clarify the problem, ANC! 再次感謝兩位 ☺️