2024-2025 I will, I am going to achieve it!
齊腳, Fly beyond! 2024-2025 I will, I am going to achieve it! 2024-2025 We will, We are going to achieve it!
https://www.flightglobal.com/cathay-etops-okay/10579.article The timestamp of this article disclosed that CX A330 has already obtained ETOPS 120 in 1996. https://simpleflying.com/etops-banned-areas/ This article gave us some background information about ETOPS, and told us one of the reasons why B747 was popular in 1980s: Before 1985, all twin aircraft had to remain within 60 minutes of a suitable diversion airport. This
Any formula to proof that local speed of sound decrease with altitude increases?
Reference: POE – AI Yes, there are formulas that can help explain why the local speed of sound decreases with higher altitude. The speed of sound is determined by the properties of the medium through which it travels, such as temperature, pressure, and density. One important formula is the adiabatic equation of state for an
What’s coffin corner?
Reference:https://airwaysmag.com/coffin-corner-aviation/ , https://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/aerodynamics/coffin-corner-where-vne-and-mmo-meet/ Ans: Coffin Corner can be explained by using below illustration. It is talking about when when the aircraft fly to an altitude where the aircraft reduces the speed, it will stall while the aircraft increase its speed, it will over the Mmo. Therefore, the margin for error is low.The coffin corner is
What’s CAVOK , What’s NCD, NSC
Reference source: https://skybrary.aero/articles/weather-observations-aerodromes CAVOK The visibility, RVR, weather and cloud groups are replaced by CAVOK (Cloud And Visibility OK) when the following conditions exist simultaneously: If there is no cloud below 5000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude (whichever is greater) and there is no towering cumulus or cumulonimbus, ‘NSC’ is reported. Note:
一次搞懂 Minimum Safety Altitude, Decision Height and “Go-around Decision Point”
Reference : Skybrary,Boldmethod 話說今晚又飛機友聚會攞到d 靈感,今晚就學幾個生字啦~ Decision Altitude/Height (DA/DH) https://skybrary.aero/articles/decision-altitudeheight-dadh Definition The Decision Altitude (DA) or Decision Height (DH) is a specified altitude or height in the Precision Approach or approach with vertical guidance at which a Missed Approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established. (ICAO Annex 6) Decision altitude (DA) is
How to pronounce “ARFF” – Aircraft Rescue and FireFighting
What’s landing gear bogie?
Reference: FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Airframe Volume 2 Chapter 13, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undercarriage_arrangements Multiple wheels spread the weight of the aircraft over a larger area. They also provide a safety margin should one tire fail. Heavy aircraft may use four or more wheel assemblies on each main gear. When more than two wheels are attached to a
Aircraft Recognition
Reference source: https://www.aircraftrecognitionguide.com/ The parts of an aircraft that can be used for recognition: Nose Landing gear Tail cone Wing Engine B777 B777 major feature: flat, squared off tail cone Boeing 777 has six wheels per leg (main landing gear) typical flat, squared off tail cone Boeing 777-200, -200ER and 300 are not raked