Road to be a RSO – 執生
番工的日子變得愈來愈充實 再加上番學 做運動 總之每星期都好似好快咁 Well, 對上一個星期最深刻莫過於Fire drill…明明話由消防員做講解,結果變左我 與其說要執生 不如說要prepare for the worst…好彩呢個topic都無生疏 但正正因為呢個drill的突發, 令我不得不提自己要定期溫下不同topic既野, 用番當初aviation既學習模式, a good pilot should learn sth new everyday, prepare for the worst . 家下 a good ASO should prepare for the worst, keep learning and doing refresh training in a daily basis 😂

Road to be a RSO – 「因時制宜」、「因地制宜」、「因事制宜」
I have been working as an ASO with Citybus for almost two months. It is the first time that I join a F&IU audit project in this company. After the site visit, my supervisor kindly offer me a drive for returning home. We had casual chatting en-route. He asked if I feel okay about the
Road to be a RSO – 做人做事做學問
以前係中學成日聽訓導講做人做事做學問, 出黎社會做左8年野 我仲好似個新鮮人咁 今日先學識 CC (mail) 的含意。 所以話呢learn something new every day… be humble, be open minded 😳😂