Day 57: You’re gonna have some ups then you’re gonna have some downs.
It has been almost two months following “Master (師父)”. I also have met another bosses. Well, the feeling is quite weird. Actually, all three bosses are treating me very well – my Master always treats me for meals and chats with me as a mentor; Another two bosses are nice as well. However, I don’t
OSH 5002 EP : before-exam revision
Suspended Working Platforms 吊船的 “工作平台”(Platforms), “安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access), “檢查” (Inspections), “測試及檢驗” (Test and examination) What’s “so far as is reasonably practicable”? Meaning of ‘So Far as is Reasonably Practicable’ What’s the general duties (G.D) of employer/proprietor? General duties (of Employers and Occupier) in OSHO (Cap.509 Sec 6 and 7) General duties (of proprietor
Door requirements in Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Fire Precautions in Notifiable Workplaces) Regulations [工廠及工業經營( 應呈報工場的防火設備) 規例針對”門”的規定]
[Ref Cap.59V, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Other than Construction Sites)] Cap 59V : Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Fire Precautions in Notifiable Workplaces) Regulations 《工廠及工業經營(應呈報工場的防火設備)規例》列明有關在Notifiable Workplace (應呈報工場) 的防火要求。而 Regulation 4 就清楚指出“門”的要求: Every door leading out of a notifiable workplace shall— (a) be maintained in such condition that it can be readily opened
棚架的檢查 (Inspection of scaffolds)
[Ref Cap.59I, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites] Cap.59I, 即 CS(S)R 的 Regulation 38F 有列明關於檢查棚架 (Inspection of scaffolds) 的規定: Subject to paragraph (2), the contractor responsible for a scaffold on a construction site and any contractor who has direct control over any construction work which involves the use of the scaffold shall ensure that the
[Ref Cap.59I, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites] 吊重機槽、平台及機籠的安全 (Safety of hoistways, platforms and cages) C-90 The hoistway of a hoist where access is provided shall be efficiently protected by a substantial enclosure. 凡吊重機槽,在可通往其所有位置,必須設置堅固圍封 C-91 The hoistway of a hoist at which persons are in danger of being struck by a moving part of the