香港勞工處職業安全刊物 – 丁部:其他安全指南
[Ref] (Last Update: 2020 Nov 30 0007LT) 丁部:其他安全指南 升降機安裝、保養及維修工作致命意外個案集 貨櫃搬運及倉庫業職業意外致命個案集 (PDF) 有關翻新及維修工程職業意外致命個案集 (PDF) 有關「狗臂架」懸空式竹棚架工程職業意外致命個案集 (PDF) 高處工作意外致命個案集 (PDF) 職業意外致命個案分析 (第一集) (PDF) 職業意外致命個案分析 (第二集) (PDF) 職業意外致命個案分析 (第三集) (PDF) 職業意外致命個案分析 (第四集) (PDF) 僱主安全政策指南 (PDF) 減低工業噪音的實用指南 (PDF) 貨櫃檢查的安全工作指南 (PDF) 閘門工作安全指南 (PDF) 建築地盤工作安全及健康事項查核表 (PDF) 資料 、指導及訓練5部曲 (PDF) 風險評估五部曲 (PDF) 樓宇維修 竹棚架作業安全須知 (PDF) 休息時段指引 (PDF) 升降機維修保養安全簡介 (PDF) 惡劣天氣下的工作安全指南 (PDF) 化學品使用過程的危險及安全指南 (PDF) 家務工作 – 清潔窗戶的安全提示 (PDF) 辦公室場地整理 (PDF) 工業安全 一般責任(受僱的人須知) (PDF) 審核安全管理制度可參考監工計劃書 (PDF) 學校的職業安全及健康管理 (PDF) 銀行及金融業的職業安全及健康指南 (PDF) 職業安全約章 ─ 實踐約章 成果共享 (PDF) 職業安全約章 (單張) (PDF) 高處工作安全概覽 (PDF) 叉式起重車之安全操作 (PDF) 安全工作系統 (PDF)
[Ref Cap.59I, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites] 棚架、工作平台及梯子等工作位置都受到Cap.59I CONSTRUCTION SITES (SAFETY) REGULATIONS [俗稱CS(S)R]《建築地盤( 安全) 規例》的規範. 在 CS(S)R 的 Regulation 38A及38AA分別指出 Contractor (承建商) 及 Other contractors (其他承建商) 都具有下列的一般性責任條款 (General Duties): identify the hazardous conditions of persons working at a height in the construction site; 找出在建築地盤內高處工作的人的危險狀況 rectify any hazardous conditions of persons working at
吊船的 “工作平台”(Platforms), “安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access), “檢查” (Inspections), “測試及檢驗” (Test and examination)
[Ref Cap 59AC, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites] 吊船 (Suspended Working Platforms) 在行內又名 “gondola“, 受到 Cap 59AC “Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Suspended Working Platforms) Regulation” 《工廠及工業經營( 吊船) 規例》的監管. 為左應付考試讀書, 及日後重溫, 以下會針對數項重點作出介紹: 工作平台”(Platforms) [Ref SWP-22 to SWP26 ; Sec. 8] 安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access) [Ref SWP-27 ; Sec. 9] “檢查” (Inspections) [Ref SWP-51
What’s “Owner(擁有人)” in F&IU(SWP)R?
[Ref Cap 59AC] According to Cap.59AC Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Suspended Working Platforms) Regulation《工廠及工業經營( 吊船) 規例》: owner (擁有人), in relation to any suspended working platform, includes the lessee or hirer thereof, and any overseer, foreman, agent or person in charge or having the control or management of the suspended working platform, and the contractor who
Day 24: the second time of admission to the court hearings
In this morning, I woke up at 0620 and arrived office at 0830. After I had finished three cheese bun as my breakfast, I started my office task as usual. At 0929, I received a call from my “master”. At the beginning, I thought he was going to give me some instruction on my tasks.
Requirement on the “provision of first aid box or cupboard” and “Persons in charge of first aid box or cupboard” [5類型工作場所急救箱 (或急救櫃)及主管人要求]
[Ref Cap 59D, Cap 59K, Cap 59I, Cap 59F, Cap 509A] Summary: NW Container Handling Construction Site All others Quarries 急救箱或急救櫃 (*所有不足人數都Round-up) 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 59D 3(1)] 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 59K 12(1)] 只要 ≥ 5 人, 每 50名一個 [Cap. 59I 61(1)] 每 100 名一個 [Cap. 509A 18(1)(a)] – 急救箱或急救櫃 主管人 至少一 名
General duties (of Employers and Occupier) in OSHO (Cap.509 Sec 6 and 7)
[Ref Cap 509] According to Cap 509 Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance: 6. Employers to ensure safety and health of employees (1) Every employer must, so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the safety and health at work of all the employer’s employees. (2) The cases in which an employer fails to comply with subsection (1)
Guidance Notes of Design for Safety
[Ref] Introduction of the guidance notes The Development Bureau (DEVB) had taken the lead to implement the model under UK’s (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM Regulations) in public works in 2006. The Guidance Notes on “Construction, Design and Management” and Worked Examples were prepared and brought a significant change for the Hong Kong construction
What’s RMAA work?
[Ref] RMAA refers to Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition. For information about, please refer to “Information for Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition (RMAA) Works”, issued by the labour department.
Meaning of ‘So Far as is Reasonably Practicable’
[Ref A Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Sections 6A & 6B) Know Your General Duties, 工廠及工業經營條例 6A及6B 簡介 ] 2.5.1 The general duties of the proprietor specified under the “Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance” are governed by the phrase “so far as is reasonably practicable”. This phrase is not defined in the
Protected: OSH 5004 EP (Nov 2020) – Hazard Identification and Risk Management
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Protected: OSH5003EP (Nov 2020) – Health and Safety Management
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Testing, Examination and Inspection of Lifting Appliance
[Ref Cap.59J] 注意: 起重機械 (lifting appliance) 使用前先測試及檢驗是 Owner (擁有人) 的責任! According to Cap 59 J : 5. Lifting appliances to be tested and examined prior to use (使用前先測試及檢驗) The owner of a lifting appliance shall ensure that it is not used unless it has been thoroughly examined by a competent examiner at least once in the
“competent examiner” (合資格檢驗員) v.s “competent person” (合資格的人)
[Ref Cap.59AC, Cap.59J] With reference to Cap 59J: “competent examiner” (CE, 合資格檢驗員), in relation to the carrying out of any test and examination required by these regulations, means a person who is— (a) appointed by the owner required by these regulations to ensure that the test and examination is carried out; (L.N. 285 of 1993)
起重機械及起重裝置 (Cap 59J) v.s 負荷物移動機械 (Cap 59AG)
[Ref Cap 59J, Cap 59AG] According to Cap 59AG F&IU (LM) R : 2 Interpretation “loadshifting machine” (負荷物移動機) means a power-operated mobile machine of a type specified in the Schedule and which is operated by a person riding on the machine; Cap 59AG Schedule Loadshifting machines used in industrial undertakings— (a) a fork-lift truck. Loadshifting
Day 8: learn from basic
Today, the eighth day of life as a trainee, assistant whatsoever, I have the opportunity to learn the 3rd types of IU. I am experiencing what is similar to the life in aviation industry – from layman to a sound person in the sector. I absolutely understand that I know less and I am literally
Labelling requirements and exemption of dangerous substance in Cap59AB
[Ref Cap 59AB] According to Cap59AB 7 Exempt containers Regulations 5 and 6 do not apply to a container that— (a) is clearly labelled in English AND Chinese with particulars that are substantially the same as those prescribed by regulation 8 and that holds a substance that was supplied to the industrial undertaking in that
What’s “dangerous substance” (危險物質), “dangerous mixture” (危險混合物), “listed substance” (列載物質)?
[Ref Cap 59AB] “dangerous substance” (危險物質), “dangerous mixture” (危險混合物), “listed substance” (列載物質) are explained in Cap 59AB FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES) REGULATIONS “dangerous substance” (危險物質) means any substance that is a listed substance or a dangerous mixture; “listed substance” (列載物質) means any substance (whether or not a substance that is a preparation
Classification of Dangerous Substances in Cap59AB
[Ref Cap 59AB] According to Cap 59AB Schedule 2, there are 7 types of symbols of dangerous substances: Explosive Oxidizing Flammable Toxic Harmful Corrosive Irritant
Significance of “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營)
[Ref Cap 59AB] 在“What’s “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營) [工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例]?” 中知道左有6類場叩 “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營), 感點解要訂出呢D場所? 這就是 FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES) REGULATIONS 《工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例》的本意 – Cap 59AB 4: These regulations apply to any dangerous substance that is present in a specified industrial undertaking for the purpose of, in connection with, or as a result of,