Protected: Organizational Behavior – Lesson 2 (ADMS)
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Protected: What’s Supply Chain, Operations, Management?
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Protected: Operations Management – Lesson 1 (ADMS)
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檢查某”字”是否在陣列, 字典, 字串
Example 1 arr = [1,2,3] print (1 in arr) – 預期True print (9 in arr) – 預期False Example 2 arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print (1 in arr) – 預期False print (1 in arr[0]) – 預期True print (4 in arr[0]) – 預期False print (4 in arr[1]) – 預期True Example 3 x = {“name”:”Chan Tai Man”,
Python 陣列應用 (array)
建立一個3維陣列 arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] 列出整個陣列 print(arr) 列出某維陣列的第X個元素 print (arr[0][0]) – 預期得到”1″ print (arr[1][0]) – 預期得到”4″ print (arr[0][1]*arr[1][1]) – 預期得到”2*5 = 10″ 將某陣列內數值加總 print (sum(arr[0])) print (sum(arr[1]))
Python 重覆運算
Examples a = 0 a += 5 print (a) a = 0 a -= 5 print (a) a = 5 a *= 2 print (a) a = 5 a /= 2 print (a) a = 5 a %= 2 print (a) a = 2 a **= 3 print (a)
Python 中的字典函數
建立字典 – 鍵值對 x = {“name“:”Chan Tai Man“} print(x[“name”]) 加入/更改鍵值對 x[“gender“] = “Male” print (x) 移除鍵值對 x.pop(‘gender’) print (x)
Python 中的清單 (List)
建立清單 x = [“abc”, 22, None] print (x[2]) print (x[-1]) 上述兩個print 既result 都會預計係 None, 後者方法指list 出由尾數既第1個 (p.S 如果要show “abc”, 要用”print (x[0])”) 加入新元素到清單 x = [“abc”, 22, None] print (x) x.append(“Love”) print(x) 移除第X個清單中的元素 x = [“abc”, 22, None] print (x) x.pop(1) print(x) 所以 “22” 會從清單中被移除 將清單中的元素順序及反序例出 x = [3, 1 , 9, 222,
Python 顯示字串第X至第Y個字?
如何用Python 顯示字串第X至第Y個字? Example string = “1234567890” print (string[1:5]) “print (string[x:y])”就是顯示第X+1到第Y個字, 所以如果想只顯示5及6 就應該用 string = “1234567890” print (string[4:6]) 如果由一開始到第Y個就應該用 string = “1234567890” print (string[:5]) 如果由第X+1個到最尾就應該用 string = “1234567890” print (string[4:])
Python 合併字串
如何用 Python 合併字串? Example x = “H” y = “ello” n = ” ?? 123″ z = x + y + n print (z)
Python 顯示跨行字串
如何用 Python 顯示跨行字串? Ans: “”” 要SHOW既野1 要SHOW既野2 …. “”” Example x = “”” I am a boy “”” print (x)
Protected: Complementing intuition with systematic study (OB)
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Protected: What’s Organizational Behavior (OB) ?
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Protected: The Importance of Interpersonal Skills
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Protected: Organizational Behavior – Lesson 1 (ADMS)
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