Learning from Scmp : 20 Feb 2019
Hong Kong security guard dies after he is found unconscious on Tsim Sha Tsui rooftop, police probe foul play foul play – a criminal act that results in seriousdamage or injury, especially murder: It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play homicide – (an act of) murder: He was convicted of homicide. The number of homicides in the city has risensharply. police source said bruises were found on his body, suggesting he had been beaten. An autopsy

Debriefing of the CNY trip 2019
[Ref SCMP Source1, Source2, Source3] Hong Kong’s newest links to mainland China had another bumper day on Thursday – the third day of Lunar New Year of pig – due to glitches in the shuttle bus ticketing system. The fault led to crowds of passengers being stranded for hours at the Zhuhai bridge port across the border.
Learning from SCMP: on the trip
[Ref SCMP] https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2185356/evidence-against-suspected-killer-chinese-scholar handprint ≈ fingerprint Cadaver = corpse = dead human/animal body Carcass = dead animal body cadaver-sniffing dog are being used by US prosecutors to build a case that a Chinese scholar was killed in a flat. a traces of blood corroborated other evidence corroborate – to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc.

Happy new year of the pig
What a wonderful year of the pig, I have left last position as a Flight Ops Officer as well as one of the member in a company’s fledgling department in a GHA. More than over two years work experience there, I have learnt much from the seniors. I have decided to have a go for
Learning from SCMP : 1st of the Year of the Pig
[Ref. SCMP] https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-drink/article/2183666/jap-jap-bikini-taiwans-craft-beer-bar-could-have-been-hooters A Hongkonger opened a hooters-style bar – where serves fried food and beer by beautiful women in bikinis. The founder use her savings from a brief stint as an independent financial advisor. (stint = fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity) The reporter feels that is a harebrained idea and she admits that attract group of middle-aged lechers. After
Crime : Learning from SCMP
Ref https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/2184532/date-rape-drug-and-cocaine-seizures-soar-hong-kong Date rape drug and cocaine seizures soar as Hong Kong customs officials work with international counterparts to crack down on problem A commissioner (長官) of the Customs and Excise Department said “Customs officers seized (搜獲/充工) nearly three times more date rape drugs (迷姦藥) and almost double the amount of cocaine in Hong Kong last year” This compared