Self Learning from the Internet – 8 “Head” Phrasal Verbs
Ref. #天下部落格 #YOUTUBE – 8 ‘head’ phrasal verbs Head – Up – go North Down – go South over – go to (somewhere) out – go to leave back – go back in/inside – into (somewhere) off
Lesson 8 – Expressing dissatisfaction at work
Summary The lesson was revolving around topic related to work complaints. I had opportunities to : talk about when you are unhappy or angry about something or someone at work practise using phrasal verbs to talk about work focus on idioms to describe when you are dissatisfied with something practise using intonation to express dissatisfaction.
Lesson 7 – Challenges in everyday situations
Summary Expressing opinions and reaching a consensus Kathy is the teacher who let us : discuss problems and solutions in common situations practise expressing emotions and explaining opinions explore different ways to understand others and reach a consensus learn how to use intonation to express your emotions. Challenges are somehow inevitable in our life. There
Lesson 5 – Job Review
Summary Taking part in a formal interview like a job appraisal or job interview The topic of the lesson is work appraisals. I have : learnt phrases related to work performance focused on how change the part of speech of words practised contractions to sound more natural when speaking. When we want to ask about the
Self Learning from British Council 2 – Present perfect: simple and continuous
Reference Links Usage : perfective aspect Usage : continuous aspect Usage : already, still, yet and no longer Video We use will with the perfect to show something will be complete at some time in the future: Example 1 : In a few years they will have discovered a cure for the common cold. Example 2
Lesson 4 – What is the alternative?
Summary Presenting alternatives in a discussion In that lesson, I learnt: summarise and present problems focus on ways to discuss options and express cause and effect learn phrases for talking about possible outcomes practise pausing to sound clear when discussing problems. If we are explaining a problem, we can say: I’ve got a real dilemma
Lesson 2 – Lifestyle Differences
In the lessons, we had time to brainstorm what kind of life we can have: Health (Unhealthy) lifestyle -> Vegetarian lifestyle v.s carnivorous lifestyle Social lifestyle v.s Gamer’s lifestyle = anti-social lifestyle Adventure lifestyle v.s Tedious / robotic lifestyle Relaxing lifestyle v.s Stressful/ Hectic lifestyle Day-out lifestyle v.s Night-out
Lesson 3 – Managing conflict
Summary The topic of this lesson is job recruitment. You will: role play discussing the best person for a job focus on ways to disagree and present alternative opinions learn phrases for justifying your opinions practise sounding clear when describing qualities. Give Suggestions Perhaps we could… Why don’t we … ? How about +