What I am cultivating
Before I step into an industry, I did not understand why the South Asian ethnic group passenger are common on the airport bus. Now, I know the answer. In the past, I thought that ULDs are broadly used on A320. However, the fact is that bulk is not uncommon on that narrow body aircraft. Rightly, what

What have I learnt so far?
After graduated from the university, I am so luckily to acquaintance with some mentors and buddies who are inspiring me a lot – it is not only talking about the knowledge of aerodynamic but also the concept of teamwork spirit. I determine to be the driver although it need a period of time (or in

The first 10 days in VHHH
After almost 10 days working in the real environment, I got the first trouble as well as had an important lesson. Before the starting of the story, I would like telling you that my duties and role in current position could be concluded in a simply words – facilitating in A/C turning around. However, I