Safety Culture
Not talking about advertisement, focus on the philosophy – it is why aviation is the safest transportation. These clips are full of vision and insights. Indeed, they remind me in what reasons I am passionate in aviation industry and OSH sector!
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny life, karma whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence

2025 第一篇
吾經吾覺已經三月,很難無打過blog 今早坐車打下啦 話說呢幾個月都有幾多突破,我人生中第一次做人地兄弟、跑了人生中第一次半馬。 突然覺得自己年齡大左,不過好彩仲保持到心境後生。 今年,仲有一樣好特別既經歷,就係搬左出去住,仲要一搬就搬到去外省 😂 黎緊剩下既大半年 睇下仲有咩進步 期望不久既將來 完成手上的小目標就去衝上雲宵啦
職安知識之「點解噴油房要用 Brushless (BL) Motor」
Technology | Makita 牧田(香港)有限公司 – Brushless Motor What is BL Brushless Motor? A conventional brushed motor is made up of carbon brushes, a ring of magnets (stator), an armature, and a commutator. When the motor is energized, a charge travels from the battery, through the brushes, into the commutator, and into the windings of armature. Then
Aircraft Approach Categories: The What, Why and How
好耐無睇AViation 既野,今日見到篇文章吾錯: the aircraft’s indicated airspeed above the runway threshold (VAT speed). This, in turn, is equal to the highest value of the stall speed (VS0) multiplied by 1.3 or stall speed at 1G (Vs1g) multiplied by 1.23 of an aircraft in a normal landing configuration at its maximum certified landing mass. ICAO (the International

馬來西亞 Trip 2024
之前都未有時間上載旅行相,家下就補返先 旅行日期:2024 Dec 10 to 2024 Dec 15 馬來西亞2024 Day 5最後一天行程 很開心 很感動 再次來到馬來西亞我記得喔 我還是小屁孩的2011 我去到台灣唸書第一天下飛機 沒有出國經驗的我就跟著祥業學長坐車到學生宿舍 之後在學校飯堂食第一頓飯 不懂文化的我 食飽當然就走 之後學長就跑出來追著我 怎麼了?食飯有付錢牙?我犯了什麼?? (我心中問號) 原來是我食完沒有收拾 科😂 之後食飽又跟著學長去西門(一個地方)走走,有一個大我幾歲的人遞上一支筆給我 我還以為是一些品牌做廣告牙 就收唄 誰知道是賣東西 還找著我要付錢 還也不給還 那個時候學長又出現拯救了我 到2014 我跟宿友第一次來馬來西亞就是他帶我們遊玩。 時光飛快喔,到了2019我出來工作了,請了我父母跟妹在農曆年過來,他就要在家招待家人我也沒太懂路就不能相聚,到了2024 一個隨心的問好就促成這次非常非常非常非常非常非常x N次的聚會,還介紹兩個哥們給我認識 🥰 多謝在旅途上遇見您們 🫢🥰🫶🏻
溫故知新之咩叫 懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」/「飛棚」)
懸空式竹棚架(俗稱 「吊棚」)是竹棚架 的一種。吊棚一般以狗臂架結構承托,是從樓宇或構築物外牆伸出的懸空結構,而整個棚架全靠現存樓宇或構築物作支撐。 常見的懸空式竹棚架是由以 3 顆繫穩螺絲垂直安裝的金屬托架從底部承托(下稱「一般 懸空式竹棚架」)。 2024 年職安知識您要知: 勞工處已出版更新的「竹棚架工作安全守則」 Reference:
Back to basic: Law 法例
今日就黎對比一下香港,澳洲, 美國既航空例~ 香港 (Hong Kong) 香港既法規有主體條例 (Ordinance) 同子規例 (Regulations)… 係DOJ e-legislation 可以搵到相關既法規 (我統稱叫 「例」) 1 條主體條例 ; 7 條子法規 448 Civil Aviation Ordinance 448A Air Transport (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations 448B Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations 448C Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 448D Hong
Scale: VTC, VNC, WAC
Ref VFRG Chapter 1 P.5 1 cm in below charts – VTC : 1.35 NM (Nautical Miles) VNC : 2.7 NM (Nautical Miles) WAC : 5.4 NM (Nautical Miles) Visual terminal charts (VTC) simplified topographical charts highlighting features/ structures helpful to visual navigation at a 1:250,000 scale with airspace detail Visual navigation charts (VNC)
如何做用Australia legislation search 經過慘痛經驗 終算有個小心得。 話說我要搵 CAO 20.4 有關oxygen usage 既requirement, 原來關鍵字要咁樣: civil aviation order 20.4 civil aviation order 20.11 如此類推
Supplemental Oxygen Requirements (Provision of oxygen)
USA : 12,500 feetAustralia : 10 000 feetHK: flight level (FL) 100 USA 91.211 Supplemental oxygen. (a) General. No person may operate a civil aircraft of U.S. registry— (1) At cabin pressure altitudes above 12,500 feet (MSL) up to and including 14,000 feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen
Cloud formation 夠竟係吸定放latent heat? Formation of cloud requires a continuation of the lifting process. It is assisted by the property of water of giving off heat when changing from vapor to liquid and solid states, the latent heats of condensation and of deposition, respectively. (If the vapor first changes to a liquid before freezing, then we also have
Disk brake (Disc brake)
Modern general aircarft (GA) and airliner are also use disc brake Types of disk brake (disc brake) Singel disc Multi-disc Composition of disc? Steel Carbon Modern airliner tends to use carbon multi-disc. Advantage of disc type actuator? more effective at slowing or stopping improve the issue on drum brake (less fading problem) light
Drum brakes
Drum brake – not used on modern aircraft Advantage of drum brake? faster response time Weakness of drum brake ? not efficient suffer of brake fade OSH issue – asbestos
Airbus Parking Brake – Check the Pressure
Why chocks should be used? Prevent “hot brakes” situation (main reason) Simply speaking, the procedure for parking brake pressure check is :

Clouds 雲
Ref: 雲係一種同水有關既大氣現象 A cloud is a hydrometeor consisting of minute particles of liquid water or ice, or of both, suspended in the atmosphere and usually not touching the ground. It may also include larger particles of liquid water or ice, as well as non-aqueous liquid or solid particles such as those present in fumes, smoke or
Types of meteors (WMO)
Ref : (4) Four types of meteors (WMO): 水 moisture related 光 light related 電 electrical related 塵 dust and particle related Meteors present a great diversity of character. However, by considering their constituent particles or the physical processes surrounding their occurrence, meteors can be classified into four groups: hydrometeors, lithometeors, photometeors and electrometeors. 大氣現象呈現出多種多樣的特徵。但是,根據它們的組成粒子或它們發生期間的物理過程,大氣現象可以分為四組:水凝物、大氣塵粒現象、大氣光學現象 和 大氣電學現象。